Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Will this require a CRWIA?

No. While some indirect impacts of the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) have been identified and considered, our view is that these should be further explored at a point when specific policies and / or legal are developed to ensure a comprehensive assessment of their impact on children’s rights and wellbeing.

Assessing the intended purpose under Schedule 1 in relation agriculture climate change and emissions, and who will be primarily impacted, we are satisfied the use of the powers in schedule 1 are not aimed at or are designed to have an impact or address an issue in relation to Part 1 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the UNCRC requirements.

Payments Framework

There are not considered to be specific impacts on children as a result of this policy and no requirement for a CRWIA in relation to this policy.

Food and Drink

A CRWIA is not required for the purposes of the provisions relevant to the food and drink sector since there will be no specific impact on children and young people.

Climate and Nature

The provisions in the Bill do not have a direct impact on children and young people at this time as the Bill provides enabling rather than direct powers relating to climate and nature.

Payments Administration & Data

The broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill allow for the Scottish Ministers to make regulations about (1) the provision of support to assist the creation of the new payment framework for the administration of payments and (2) the provision for the collection, processing and or sharing of data where that is necessary to ensure effective governance. These regulations and powers will enable the Scottish Ministers to enforce , monitor and evaluate progress to achieving the objectives of the bill and the Vision. These enabling powers in the Bill and proposals will not have specific impacts on children.

Support for Rural Communities and Rural Networking

No impacts identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill. However, as noted above, impact will be assessed regarding any future changes to policy aimed at implementing the powers set out in the Bill.

Animal Health, Welfare and Genetic Resources

No impacts have been identified by the Bill provisions in this policy area that warrant a CRWIA at this time.

Plant Genetic Resources

A CRWIA is not required for the purposes of the provisions relevant to the food and drink sector since there will be no specific impact on children and young people as this can only be a benefit for our future generations .


No impacts have been identified which would require a CRWIA.


No, a CRWI Assessment is not required. The intention in the short term will be to retain, so far as possible, the status-quo and therefore there is no likelihood of any impact overall and therefore, by extension, children and young people.

Potential impacts will be monitored when developing secondary legislation and a Childs Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment carried out if significant impacts are identified.

Knowledge, innovation, education and training

A CRWIA is not required for the purposes of the provisions relevant to knowledge and skills.

CRWIA Declaration

CRWIA is not required.

Authorisation: Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands

Date: 16 February 2024



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