Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Which groups of children and young people will be affected?

As mentioned above, the Bill is largely enabling it will have limited impact on children. As such, minimal assessment is required at this stage, but the Scottish Government will ensure the teams working on future policy changes are aware of the need to consult/further assess where appropriate. This will include children and young people up to the age of 18.

Payments Framework

There are not considered to be specific impacts on children as a result of this policy.

Food and Drink

Any community benefits of support for businesses will affect children and young people in the same way as the wider community. No groups have been identified as particularly likely to be impacted.

Climate and Nature

As outlined above the Bill enables the Scottish Government to deliver towards the outcomes of climate mitigation, adaptation and nature restoration. This will not directly impact on groups of children and young people as the Bill provides enabling rather than direct powers relating to climate and nature. However, the Bill will allow long term positive impacts for future generations.

Payments Administration & Data

The broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill allow for the Scottish Ministers to make regulations about (1) the provision of support to assist the creation of the new payment framework for the administration of payments and (2) the provision for the collection, processing and or sharing of data where that is necessary to ensure effective governance. These regulations and powers will enable the Scottish Ministers to enforce, monitor and evaluate progress to achieving the objectives of the bill and the Vision. These enabling powers in the Bill and proposals will not have specific impacts on children.

Support for Rural Communities and Rural Networking

No impacts identified regarding the broadly framed enabling powers set out in the Bill.

Animal Health, Welfare and Genetic Resources

No specific groups of children and young people have been identified as being directly affected by the broad powers contained in the Bill. Children and young people in all communities in Scotland may positively benefit in the medium to long term.

Plant Genetic Resources

There are no groups of children that will be adversely impacted by this proposal, but it is an important resource to preserve for children and future generations quality of food.


As noted above no specific impacts.


The intention in the short term will be to retain, so far as possible, the status-quo and therefore there is no likelihood of any impact overall and therefore, by extension, children and young people.

Potential impacts will be monitored when developing secondary legislation and a Childs Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment carried out if significant impacts are identified.

Knowledge, innovation, education and training

No direct impacts as the policy will be delivered through secondary legislation. No particular groups have been identified as particularly likely to be impacted.



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