Adult Disability Payment: Consultation on the Mobility Component: Easy Read

The Scottish Government's consultation on the mobility component of Adult Disability Payment gives people the opportunity to give their views on the eligibility criteria. The findings will inform the independent review of Adult Disability Payment commencing later this year.

Eligibility Criteria for Adult Disability Payment

Adult Disability Payment is made up of two parts called the daily living part and the mobility part.

Each part of Adult Disability Payment has different rates of payment which changes based on how a person's disability affects their life.

The daily living part is about the impact that a person's disability has on common activities throughout the day.

These activities are things like eating, washing, using the toilet, dressing, communicating and managing money.

The mobility part is about activities such as whether you can walk, if you can make plans to get somewhere and if you can follow directions to get there.

Social Security Scotland will use the information in your application and supporting information to decide if you can get Adult Disability Payment.

The decision will follow guidance that Social Security Scotland staff use. This guidance sets out a points system for the impact that a person's disability has on them.

If you get between 8 and 11 points you are awarded the standard rate, and if you get more than 12 points you are awarded the enhanced rate.

Mobility Part

A part of Adult Disability Payment that we are thinking about is the mobility part.

The mobility part is about things like if you can walk, if you can make plans to get somewhere and if you can follow directions to get there.

Some people want us to think about the mobility part again as they think it is important.



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