Access to period products: monitoring and evaluation strategy 2021/22 to 2024/25

Evaluation and monitoring strategy on free access to period products. The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 came into force on 15 August 2022. This document presents the approach to evaluating and monitoring implementation of the Act.

Annex E – Benefits and risk of proposed approach


The following benefits of the proposed approach to monitoring and evaluation have been identified:

  • A proportionate, pragmatic approach to monitoring and evaluation that minimises the demand on data providers and ensures consistency across delivery bodies.
  • A funding model that is fair and reflects spending
  • The independent evaluation and externally commissioned baseline survey will gather the views and lived experience of product users.


The following risks have been identified:

  • There is no exact measure of uptake. Uptake will be estimated based on the number of products purchased and from reported usage from a sample of product users in the independent evaluation.
  • There will remain difficulties in interpreting routine monitoring data on spend as increased spend could result from increased uptake, higher cost products, or product stockpiling and bulk ordering patterns.
  • Whilst conducting an independent evaluation after three years provides time for statutory provision to become established, it limits the availability of real-time data for learning and accountability purposes.
  • The proposed approach is reliant upon the collaboration of local authorities, further and higher education providers in collecting and providing data to the Scottish Government on a non-statutory basis.
  • COVID-19 restrictions may mean that baseline data collected in 2021/22 is not representative of typical delivery which may limit this data usefulness in adjusting ongoing funding allocations.
  • Baseline data will not be available in advance of the finalisation of the 2022/23 funding allocations, requiring any adjustments on the basis of this data to be made in year (i.e. increases from 2021/22 allocations).



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