Marine and fisheries grants
First Minister confirms awards from Marine Fund Scotland
£14 million for marine industries and coastal and island communities in 2024/25.
National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Scoping Report: Consultation Analysis
Analysis of responses to the consultation on the proposed scope and level of detail for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2).
Marine Fund Scotland 2024-2025: general guidance notes
Introduction to the Marine Fund Scotland 2024 to 2025. The Fund is focused on supporting projects that deliver outcomes relating to Scotland's Blue Economy Vision, published on 31 March 2022.
Ro-innleachd airson Saidheans Mara is Ùrghnàthachadh
’S e seo an Ro-innleachd ùr airson Saidheans Mara is Ùr-ghnàthachadh aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Tha i a’ cur amasan an cèill airson saidheans mara agus ùr-ghnàthachadh ann an Alba agus a’ stèidheachadh sia builean gus barrachd bhuannachdan fhaighinn bho ar n-obair saidheans, fianais agus dàta.
Marine science and innovation strategy
Establishes the vision for marine science and innovation in Scotland and six outcomes to strengthen the impact of marine science, evidence and data.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment for the vision for sustainable aquaculture.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture
The Vision for sustainable aquaculture describes the Scottish Government’s long-term aspirations to 2045 for the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, and the wider aquaculture supply chain.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: child rights and wellbeing screening sheet
Child rights and wellbeing screening sheet for the Vision for sustainable aquaculture
National Islands Plan review: consultation
We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.
Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024: guidance
General guidance notes for applications to the Marine Fund Scotland 2023 to 2024.
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.
Support for marine and fishing businesses
More than £13 million in grants awarded.
Support for fishing and coastal communities
Investing in the Blue Economy.
Support for fishing businesses and coastal communities
Next round of funding announced.
Funding for fishing sector training and equipment
Support to help keep Scottish fishers safe
Extra support for ports and harbours
Investing in coastal communities.
Island communities impact assessments: guidance - consultation
Our islands face particular challenges around distance, geography, connectivity and demography, so it is important that policy makers consider these properly. The consultation on the guidance will help ensure that islands receive fair treatment tailored to their unique circumstances.
Seafood sector investment
Funding to help aquaculture businesses affected by COVID-19.
Support for Scottish seafood industry worth £22.5 million
More than 1,000 businesses now eligible for help.
Funding for marine economy
European investment to support sector.
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