Financial reports and accounts
We are accountable to the Scottish Parliament and the people of Scotland for our use of public money.
Our consolidated accounts, devolved taxes account, and Consolidated Fund accounts together provide an overview of all our fiscal activity.
We have produced our annual financial accounts on the basis of international accounting standards since financial year 2009 to 2010.
Consolidated accounts
The consolidated accounts reflect the consolidated assets and liabilities, as well as the results of all entities within our consolidation accounting boundary as required by and defined in the Government financial reporting manual.
The consolidation accounting boundary comprises core Scottish Government, executive agencies (each linked to a specific portfolio), the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, and the NHS bodies responsible for the planning, promotion, commissioning and the delivery of healthcare. The executive agencies and other bodies also publish separate accounts that provide greater detail about their income, expenditure, assets and liabilities.
The consolidated accounts report actual outturn and compare it to the budget authorised by the Scottish Parliament, each stated on the same accounting basis. The accounts have received a clean bill of health from Audit Scotland for the past 18 years.
View our most recently published consolidated accounts below:
View previous years' consolidated accounts below:
- consolidated accounts 2021 to 2022
- consolidated accounts 2020 to 2021
- consolidated accounts 2019 to 2020
- consolidated accounts 2018 to 2019
- consolidated accounts 2017 to 2018
- consolidated accounts 2016 to 2017
- consolidated accounts 2015 to 2016
Devolved taxes account
The devolved taxes account records receipts from the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax and the Landfill Tax which are administered and collected by Revenue Scotland. These taxes were devolved to Scotland as part of the Scotland Act 2012.
Scottish Consolidated Fund accounts
We set up the Scottish Consolidated Fund in 1999 and received its statutory powers under the Scotland Act 1998. The Scottish Consolidated Fund receives sums which have been voted by the UK Parliament for the purpose of "grant payable to the Fund" from the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland.
We draw down funding from the Scottish Consolidated Fund to support the spending plans laid out in the draft budget. The primary receipts to the Scottish Consolidated Fund are from:
- the block grant
- Scottish Income Tax receipts collected by HMRC on our behalf
- devolved taxes
- borrowing
View our most recently published consolidated fund accounts below:
View previous years' consolidated fund accounts below: