Victims Taskforce papers: November 2023

Papers from the meeting of the group on 30 November 2023.

Trauma Informed Workforce update (paper 7) 


At the last meeting of the Victims Taskforce, the Trauma Informed Workforce workstream was asked to develop a plan for implementation and to report back to taskforce.

To help with this, the workstream held a workshop in August, in order to undertake initial baseline mapping, considering barriers and enablers, planned activities and initial thoughts of what would be achievable over the short-term (by March 2024).

NHS Education for Scotland (“NES”) is working in collaboration with workstream members who are in the process of implementation planning for the framework, using the recently published Roadmap. 

NES has published a roadmap for creating trauma-informed and responsive change. The roadmap mirrors the leadership of the systems table in the framework. The roadmap comprises:

  • an overview of why trauma-informed and responsive organisations, systems and workforces matter and what good looks like
  • a self-assessment checklist that includes a roadmap of activities that are most effective in supporting services and organisations in their journey towards becoming trauma-informed and responsive
  • a series of additional tools

NES is also working to develop e-modules and training resources that are consistent with the aims of the framework.

We know that feedback loops are needed to be able to determine that implementation of the framework is making a difference. Discussions within the workstream about how to measure improvement will continue as the mapping and implementation progresses.

Future governance

Since the taskforce last met, Jessica McDonald (SCTS), has moved post and is no longer able to fulfil the role of Chair of the Trauma Informed Workforce workstream.

The VTF secretariat has not yet been able to identify a potential Chair from workstream members and propose that this role be held by Scottish Government in the short-term, whilst continuing to seek a new Chair to drive forward the implementation work. 

Questions for the taskforce’s consideration

  • is the taskforce content to note progress on development of a plan for implementation of the knowledge and skills framework? 
  • are members of the taskforce able to suggest an organisation/individual who could Chair this workstream
  • in the absence of a permanent Chair, is the taskforce content to agree that Scottish Government officials hold the role of Chair to workstream 2, on a short-term basis?


Victims Taskforce

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