Victims Taskforce papers: November 2023

Papers from the meeting of the group on 30 November 2023.

Communications update (paper 8)

Improving communications for victims workstream - update


 At the June meeting of the taskforce, it was noted that the “People at Heart” (First Word) communications review project originated with taskforce – but that the work was subsequently led by the Scottish Government, rather than through a taskforce Workstream. It was acknowledged that implementation of the “People at Heart” approach would require collective leadership and that project governance needed to be strengthened to support that. 

The taskforce agreed to set up a new workstream to improve communications to victims, in order to ensure the “People at Heart” approach was fully connected with taskforce work and other aspects of improving communications, including those raised by the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board. 

Draft remit

Scottish Government officials produced a draft remit (Annex A) which was circulated for members’ consideration and comment on 13 October. 

Links with Victim Notification Scheme

The draft remit does not make explicit reference to the Victim Notification Scheme (VNS), although we recognise that this system is a key aspect of the justice system’s communication with victims. The Scottish Government is currently considering the report of the independent review of the VNS and is developing a formal response to that report. As part of this, existing vehicles like taskforce workstreams are being considered for potential longer-term collaboration and delivery of the review’s recommendations. The ongoing work on the response means that we feel it is premature to include the VNS in the remit now, however, this can be revisited at the appropriate time.

Proposed membership

We sought nominations for membership of this group at the same time that the draft remit was circulated. 

To date, the following organisations have agreed to be part of this group – though we are still keen to receive nominations:

  • CICA
  • Police Scotland
  • SCRA
  • Scottish Government

Questions for the taskforce’s consideration

  • is the VTF content with the draft remit (at Annex A) for this new workstream?
  • is the VTF content with our approach in relation to the links to the Victim Notification Scheme?
  • who else (from within existing membership) would the VTF like to nominate for inclusion in the group? 
  • are there organisations who are not represented on the taskforce that VTF would like the secretariat to approach? 


Our vision is for person-centred and trauma informed justice services to ensure that:

  • victim’s voices are heard
  • victims feel like they have been treated with compassion
  • victims feel safe
  • victims are given choices
  • victims feel informed and know what their rights are


Person-centred justice services will ensure that a person’s needs and values are respected. There will be timely, clear communication ensuring people understand areas of complexity. Individuals and their families will be involved in decisions which affect them, in recognition that people are the experts in their own lives. This means that within the parameters of legal frameworks and justice processes, people will be treated as individuals rather than as part of a process. People will be treated with empathy and kindness, and provided with the support they need to thrive. 

We particularly recognise the importance of providing victims with timely and accurate information, and to ensure effective methods of communication are used for delivering information, as well as for listening to and understanding victims’ needs. 

Providing timely and accurate information in a trauma-informed way can assist victims cope with the impact of the crime. This benefits the wider interests of justice by supporting people to give their best evidence. In contrast, a lack of information can intensify the stress and anxiety of being involved in a case, which can lead to victims disengaging and withdrawing their cooperation from the criminal process.

The People at Heart approach was developed by the First Word in partnership with criminal justice agencies, third sector partners and people with lived experience. The approach aims to put people at the heart of communications by being empathetic and empowering, and ensuring that communications are easy to access and understand. Alongside rewriting key justice communications, the First Word has produced a People at Heart style guide and training materials to support the transformation of written communications with victims and witnesses across the criminal justice system.

Governance structures

Criminal justice agencies confirmed their support for implementing the People at Heart approach at the Criminal Justice Board meeting held on 19 May 2023. Implementing the People at Heart approach has been included as a project within the Transformational Change Programme (TCP) established by the Scottish Government.   

The Victims Taskforce have agreed to establish this group to lead and drive implementation of the People at Heart approach and improve communications with victims and witnesses across the criminal justice system. The group will report to the taskforce on a six monthly basis. It will also report into the TCP and be supported by the project and programme management (PPM) office and programme lead for this. The Victims and Survivors Advisory Board will have an ongoing interest in implementation as it progresses.


  • to lead implementation of the People at Heart approach across the justice system, connecting into taskforce and the TCP PPM structures
  • to consider and lead wider actions to improve communications across the justice system to:
    • ensure compassionate, timely and accessible communication across the justice system for victims and witnesses
    • ensure consistency across all communications (digital and written) across the justice system 
    • ensure digital services will give justice users agency in how they are communicated with and supported through their justice experience. They will be able to access and share information according to their needs, when they need it, and in a way that is convenient to them


Victims Taskforce

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