
Total income from farming: estimates for Scotland 2015-2017

The official measure of the net income gained by the agriculture industry in Scotland.

8. NUTS1 area comparisons

Chart 10 shows the latest Scotland data for 2016 in comparison with other UK NUTS1 [3] areas. The data are shown on a per hectare basis, to illustrate the productivity of land, rather than be affected by the differing sizes of NUTS1 areas. Scotland and Wales are consistently below any other NUTS1 area, with Northern Ireland at similar levels to the lower performing English regions, and four English regions (East of England, Yorkshire & Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands) on top. All of the English regions, and Wales, saw falls in their provisional estimates for 2016, while Northern Ireland saw a stronger increase than Scotland.

Chart 10: TIFF per hectare, by NUTS1 region, 2011 to 2016

Chart 10: TIFF per hectare, by NUTS1 region, 2011 to 2016


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