
Daily Dynamic Approach in the community: Highland improvement story part one

An example of successful discharge planning in the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.

Avoiding Duplication

Another way that the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership is improving discharge planning is by avoiding duplication. The discharge planning process begins when the patient is in the acute setting but, previously, when a patient was transferred to the community hospital, the whole process began again - patients were readmitted and reassessed. Now, the discharge plan follows the patient from the acute to the community setting, providing continuity and avoiding duplication of effort.

Community hospitals have also implemented the concept of whiteboards from the Daily Dynamic Discharge toolkit, showing all of the relevant information relating to patients and their discharge plan for all staff to refer to. The Health and Social Care Partnership is also considering other elements of the toolkit, such as the Golden Hour ward round, to determine whether they can be adapted for a community setting.


Email: Jessica Milne

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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