
Technology sector export plan

This plan reaffirms the commitments made from ‘A Trading Nation’ to ensure our trade and investment agenda is front and centre of our economic growth strategy.

Co-produced with stakeholders in the technology sector, this plan aims to substantially increase Scotland’s exports of technology.

Framework to increase exports

This TSEP identifies four key areas through which industry, public sector and the Scottish Government can collectively build on our technology export growth strengths and opportunities, bringing our focus and resources together to drive improvement and growth.

1. Through the on-going work to deliver ATN, we will continue to provide export support to technology companies in Scotland by:

  • Helping the industry to capitalise on its export potential by accessing support available through enterprise agencies, public sector, the Scottish Government and the wider ecosystem, to ensure partners are aligned behind the delivery of this TSEP.
  • SE/SDI and other ATN delivery partners continuing to provide support to new and experienced exporters to drive growth through technology exports into global markets. Supporting the work of the STER programme to encourage world-class education programmes to establish a presence in Scotland. This will increase the level of expertise immediately available to support Scottish businesses to scale, access international networks and trade internationally.
  • Continuing to leverage the knowledge, insights and networks of our international networks including our GlobalScots and Trade Envoys to support our technology exporters to thrive internationally by bringing their influence and insight into identifying opportunities for export growth.

2. Through our on-going work within A Trading Nation on international networking, showcasing Scotland and supporting exporters in market; we will promote the international presence of technology exporters by:

  • The on-going identification of international trade opportunities in overseas markets, through a global approach. SDI in-market specialists will support businesses to engage in these opportunities to showcase Scotland's technology strengths and develop export growth.
  • Raising awareness and promoting opportunities through the new single Brand Scotland mark which is available for companies who participate in international expos and events.

3. Through our on-going work to provide trade support within ATN, we will consolidate the partnership between technology exporters and government by:

  • Creating a newly established Technology Exports Delivery Group (TEDG) to oversee and drive delivery of the TSEP.
  • Ensuring that relevant groups, such as the STER Implementation Group, have sight of the delivery of the TSEP, and that there is collective accountability and responsibility for the development and delivery of this TSEP to Scottish Ministers via the Ministerial Trade Board and its responsibilities for delivery of ATN.

4. Working to improve the data, measurement and evaluation of the delivery of ATN to improve the evidence and forecasting of technology export growth opportunities by:

  • Establishing robust underpinning data to support the identification of sub-sectoral specific export growth opportunities, both current and emerging, and to use this plan to ensure, industry, public sector and Scottish Government, are aligned in this approach.



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