Energy efficiency in existing non-domestic buildings regulation - call for evidence: response summary

A summary of the responses received to the call for evidence on regulation of energy efficiency and zero emissions heat in existing non-domestic buildings.


1. Heat in Buildings Strategy – Achieving Net Zero Emissions In Scotland's Buildings

2. Energy efficiency - regulation in existing non-domestic buildings: call for evidence - (

3. Filling the policy gap: Minimum energy performance standards for European buildings - Regulatory Assistance Project (

4. Case studies: Minimum energy performance standards for European buildings - Regulatory Assistance Project (

5. Next steps for MEPS: Designing minimum energy performance standards for European buildings - Regulatory Assistance Project (

6. Regulating for Zero Emissions Homes – research report and policy briefing | The Existing Homes Alliance | Scotland (

7. New Energy Efficiency Obligations for Real Estate Located in the Flemish Region (

8. Energy regulations in France: news and implications (Longevity Partners USA (

9. Guide to the 2021 Building Energy Performance Standards | ddoe (

10. DC BEPS is Coming! Building Energy Performance Standards in DC (

11. Performance and energy efficiency of traditional buildings: Gap Analysis, Update 2020 | Historic England

12. Evaluating the renewable heating and efficiency obligation for existing buildings – insights into the mechanisms of mandatory building requirements (

13. Skills Investment Plan for Scotland's Historic Environment Sector

14. Best practice in heat decarbonisation policy | UKERC | The UK Energy Research Centre

15. A Review of Heat Decarbonisation Policies in Europe (

16. Success Story - Decarbonising heating in buildings (

17. The decarbonisation of the EU heating sector through electrification: A parametric analysis - ScienceDirect



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