Energy efficiency in existing non-domestic buildings regulation - call for evidence: response summary

A summary of the responses received to the call for evidence on regulation of energy efficiency and zero emissions heat in existing non-domestic buildings.

3. Next Steps

The Scottish Government will consider the evidence provided in response to this Call for Evidence to inform the development of options to regulate the energy efficiency and zero-emissions heating of existing non-domestic buildings. A further public consultation on the proposed options for regulation will be published in late 2022 as outlined in the Scottish Government's Heat in Building Strategy 2021. All responses to the Call for Evidence have been published at:

Although the Call for Evidence has closed we would welcome the submission of any further evidence relating to the questions above to:

Non-domestic Regulation, Assessment & Enforcement Team
Heat in Buildings Regulation Unit
Directorate of Energy & Climate Change
Scottish Government
2H North
Victoria Quay
Edinburgh EH6 6QQ



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