Social care support reform: summary of discussion paper responses

Analysis of responses to the joint discussion paper from Scottish Government and COSLA on building a national programme to support adult social care reform.

9. Glossary

Term Description
Active and Independent Living Programme (AILP) The Active and Independent Living Programme sets out how the allied health professions (AHP) will work together with others to develop new approaches to active and independent living. More information can be found in the document Allied Health Professions Co-creating Wellbeing with the People of Scotland.
Active and Independent Living Programme (AILP) Lifecurve survey The 'Lifecurve' is a way of setting out the order in which we lose our ability to carry out everyday activities. More information can be found on this flier.
Acute care services Acute care is mainly hospital-based care. For example, emergency care (Accident and Emergency), outpatient departments or elective treatment. Acute care is sometimes also referred to as 'secondary care'.
Adaptation An alteration or addition to the home to support a disabled person or older person to live safely and independently.
Advocacy Independent advocacy helps people to speak up for themselves.
Allied Health Professions (AHPs) The allied health professions include: arts therapists; diagnostic radiographers; dieticians; occupational therapists; orthoptists; orthotists; paramedics; physiotherapists; podiatrists; prosthetists; speech and language therapists; and therapeutic radiographers. More information about what each of these professions does can be found here.
Assessment A health, social work or social care assessment will find out what help and support a person needs, such as healthcare, medication, advocacy, equipment, care at home, housing support or a care home. For carers, an 'adult carer support plan' or 'young carer statement' involves a conversation to understand their caring situation; identify the outcomes/goals that are important to them; identify their needs (if any) and any support to be provided.
Befrienders Usually volunteers working with people who are isolated and/or feel lonely.
Best practice A working method that is officially accepted as being the best to use in a particular business or industry.
Care and Repair Advice and practical support to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live safely and independently. The service is available to owner-occupiers, private tenants and crofters who are aged over 60 or who have a disability.
Care Inspectorate Registers and inspects social care services.
Care manager The person who co-ordinates and reviews a person's care and support alongside them. Care managers are often qualified social workers but may also be other care professionals.
Charging (social care) In Scotland charges are applied to care delivered in the community and care homes. Support for carers cannot be charged for.
Collective leadership This means distributing and allocating leadership power to wherever expertise is in an organisation or system rather than through a hierarchy.
Commissioning (social care) The process of assessing needs, planning and prioritising, purchasing and monitoring social care services, to get the best outcomes.
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 helps communities to do more for themselves and have more say in decisions that affect them. It helps to empower community bodies through the ownership or control of land and buildings, and by strengthening their voices in decisions about public services. More information about the Act can be found here.
Community Planning Community Planning is a process which helps public agencies to work together with the community to plan and deliver better services that make a real difference to people's lives. There are 32 Community Planning Partnerships across Scotland – one for each council area.
Competitive tendering Organisations bid for the right to run a service or gain a certain contract.
Contracting authority (care and support) The body or organisation that awards the contract for a care and support service. In Scotland, the contracting authority for care and support services is usually the local authority.
Co-production A process that involves people who use services from the start to the end of any project that affects them.
COSLA COSLA stands for the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities. It is the organisation representing local government in Scotland.
Delayed discharge This describes people who are ready to move from a hospital ward to another setting, but whose move is delayed.
Direct Payment Some people choose to arrange and pay for care and support themselves with a personal budget from the local authority to meet the outcomes in their support plan. This way of receiving their budget is called a Direct Payment.
Eligibility criteria In Scotland, local authorities have criteria to determine who they will be able to help financially with the cost of care and support. They also have to publish separate local eligibility criteria for carer support.
Equipment Any item or product used to increase the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. Does not include medical devices or anything that is invasive to the body. Examples of general equipment include shower chairs, bathing equipment, flashing doorbells or standard wheelchairs. Additionally, equipment can be personalised and uniquely specified for an individual.
Fairer Scotland Action Plan The Scottish Government's response to conversations at more than 200 public events, involving 7,000 people, on a 'fairer Scotland'. These conversations took place throughout 2015 and 2016. Poverty was a central focus to the fairer Scotland discussions. There was a strong sense that society should be doing everything it can to reduce and ultimately end poverty. The Action Plan contains 50 actions to reduce poverty and tackle inequality in Scotland.
Health and Social Care Chief Officers' group Each of Scotland's 31 Health and Social Care Partnerships has a Chief Officer. Chief Officers meet regularly as a group to influence Government policy and share good practice.
Health and Social Care Delivery Plan Scottish Government's programme to ensure that the people of Scotland can live longer, healthier lives at home or in a homely setting. The full plan can be found here.
Health and Social Care Partnerships A Health and Social Care Partnership is the operational function of the Integration Authority (see definition of Integration Authority).
Health and Social Care Standards (Scotland) A series of statements to describe the experience people should expect when using a health or social care service. The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland take account of them in their inspections of registered services (see definitions of the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland).
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) Healthcare Improvement Scotland is a public body which focuses on helping health and social care services to improve.
Holistic Dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part.
Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland ILF Scotland is a Scottish Public Body. It supports people to lead independent lives through the provision of cash awards to be used for the purchase of care and support in the community. It is designed to complement and add value to the care provided by local authorities.
Integration (health and social care services and support in Scotland) The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 requires NHS Health Boards and Local Authorities to integrate some health and social care services for adults. It aims to transform the way health and social care services are provided in Scotland and drive real change that improves people's lives.
Integration Authority An Integration Authority can be a local authority or a Health Board, or an Integration Joint Board (IJB), depending on how integration has been done locally (see definition of Integration Joint Board). The term Integration Authority covers both of these models of integration as identified in the Public Bodies (Scotland) Act 2014: the body corporate model (Integration Joint Board) or the lead agency model (Health Board or local authority).
Integration Joint Board (IJB) The Integration Joint Board (IJB) is a statutory body, constituting a separate legal entity to local authorities and Health Boards. Each Integration Joint Board is required to appoint a Chief Officer (and a Chief Finance Officer) to support it in delivering its functions. An IJB is the decision-making and governance body for all functions, services and budgets that are delegated. These are identified in local integration schemes, jointly agreed by the relevant local authority and Health Board.
Key Performance Indicators One way of measuring progress towards a goal. They are usually quantifiable measures.
Keys to Life Keys to Life is Scotland's learning disability strategy. More information on the strategy can be found here.
Legislation A law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament.
Living Wage In 2018/19, the real UK Living Wage is £9.00 per hour. It is independently calculated each year based on the cost of living for employees and their families. Employers choose to pay the real Living Wage on a voluntary basis. The real Living Wage is different from the UK government's 'national living wage'.
Local authorities Scotland has 32 local authorities. They are responsible for providing a range of public services. This includes education, social care, roads and transport, economic development, housing and planning, environmental protection, waste management, cultural and leisure services. Each local authority is governed by a council. The council is made up of councillors directly elected by the residents of the area they represent.
Multifaceted Having many different parts or sides.
NHS/NHS Boards In Scotland, frontline healthcare services are delivered by the National Health Service Scotland (NHS Scotland). NHS Scotland is made up of 14 local NHS Boards. They are responsible for the protection and the improvement of their population's health and the delivery of frontline healthcare services. These NHS services are free at the point of delivery. In addition to the local NHS Boards, there are seven special NHS Boards and one public health body that support the local Boards by providing a range of important specialist and national services.
National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan for Scotland The National Workforce Plan sets out recommendations for a national approach to some aspects of workforce planning for the health and social care workforce. Part 2 of the Plan focuses on social care.
National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group The National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group was set up in September 2018 to help drive the implementation of Scotland's Suicide Prevention Action Plan. The Group has committed to operating by collaborative leadership, and to support, challenge and facilitate activity to influence change, remove barriers, and ensure progress against the Action Plan. The group's terms of reference can be found here.
Palliative care and end of life care Palliative care is treatment, care and support for people with a life-limiting illness and their family and friends.
Peer advocacy Peer advocacy is one-to-one support provided by advocates with a similar disability or experience to a person using services. It can also mean organisations with similar experiences or facing similar challenges supporting each other.
Personal Assistant (care and support) Someone who can help to support a client with their social care needs. Often employed directly by the person they are supporting.
Policy A plan or course of action put in place by government to change a certain situation.
Pooling of local assets Pooling assets means bringing together resources (e.g. money, people, equipment, knowledge) to maximise their effects.
Procurement The process of buying services by public bodies.
Social care provider An organisation that provides care or support.
Ring fencing (of funding) To make sure that a sum of money is protected and only used for a particular purpose.
Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) is the regulator for the social service workforce in Scotland.
Self-directed support Scotland's approach to social care. It allows people, their carers, and their families to make informed choices on what their social care support looks like and how it is delivered. More information about self-directed support can be found here.
Social model of disability Disability is caused by barriers that arise because society is not designed to accommodate people who have impairments. It is these barriers that disable people who have impairments and stop them from being included in society and participating on an equal basis. If these barriers are removed, a person may still have an impairment but will not experience disability.
Strategic commissioning The activities involved in assessing and forecasting the care and support needs of communities in an authority area; and linking the spending of money to desired outcomes.
Support plan A plan of how care and support will be provided, agreed in writing between an individual and the service provider. The plan will set out how an individual's assessed needs will be met, as well as their wishes and choices.
Telecare Technology-based ways to support someone in their home. Sometimes called community alarms or warden call systems.
Third sector The third sector is a term used to describe the group of organisations in Scotland which includes charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups.
Third sector interfaces Third sector interfaces (TSIs) support collaboration between third sector organisations and local authorities. They provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within a local area. There is a network of 32 interfaces across Scotland – one for each local authority. More about TSIs can be found here.
Waiting time targets The NHS in Scotland has been set a number of targets for the maximum times that people should have to wait to access specific NHS services. These targets cover a range of services, from the time waiting to be seen in an Accident and Emergency ward, to the waiting time for an outpatient appointment or a planned inpatient treatment.
Whole system approach Identifying the various components of a system and understanding the links and relationships between each of them.



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