Storm Arwen review recommendations update: October 2022

Final report from a review into the response to Storm Arwen.


  1. Recommendation 1 – Resilience Partnerships review their Command, Control and Co-Ordination arrangements for an emergency which involves the loss of both power and telecoms, and actively involve utilities companies in local planning where required to ensure linkage with national developments.
  2. Recommendation 2 - Resilience Partnerships consider what strategic planning may be required to support communities during such events, including the designation of assistance centres or pre-positioning of generator capacity. 
  3. Recommendation 3 - The Scottish Government and Resilience Partnerships review processes for sharing briefing and information during circumstances which challenge usual methods of communication.
  4. Recommendation 4 - Resilience Partnerships fully integrate the Voluntary Sector into their planning and response structures, and offer representation at resilience meetings at all levels.
  5. Recommendation 5 - Resilience Partnerships ensure that key Voluntary and Community Sector assets and capabilities in their areas are adequately mapped, and processes for their swift activation, deployment and coordination are developed on a collaborative basis.  
  6. Recommendation 6 - Local authorities consider what more they can do to support and develop community resilience in their areas, and the Scottish Government review and, if necessary, expand the materials and training available to support in the establishment and support of local Community Resilience Groups, via the site
  7. Recommendation 7 - The Scottish Resilience Partnership and the Scottish Government should work together to further develop the Community Asset Register, to better assist local response arrangements and enhance prioritisation and mutual aid across the country.
  8. Recommendation 8 - Resilience Partnerships review their thresholds for activation and deactivation and ensure that these take into account the nuance of each weather system and its characteristics.
  9. Recommendation 9 - Resilience Partnerships ensure that activation and mobilisation processes, including links with energy companies, non-statutory organisations such as trunk road operating companies, and with relevant local businesses, are scoped and tested regularly. 
  10. Recommendation 10 - Resilience Partnerships ensure processes and protocols for mutual aid are in place and are effective.
  11. Recommendation 11 - The Scottish Government and Scottish Resilience Partnership review and where possible streamline the mechanisms for coordinating requests for, and offers of, resources and assets at a national level during complex responses
  12. Recommendation 12 - Energy network operators and the wider utilities sector review their processes for establishing restoration plans and timelines, and communicating regular updates to responders and the public. 
  13. Recommendation 13 - The public communications subgroups of the Resilience Partnerships should review and test their plans to ensure that all opportunities for coordination and communication are maintained when those responding, and those in need of assistance, are without power or telecoms.  This may include greater use of more traditional means of communicating, for example radio broadcast, town hall gatherings, leafleting, or cascade of information through community groups.
  14. Recommendation 14 - The Scottish Government, Scottish Resilience Partnership, COSLA Improvement Service and local authorities work together to complete the final implementation of PARD with any local authorities who wish to participate, and thereafter to ensure its use is integrated into wider response plans.
  15. Recommendation 15 - Resilience Partnerships ensure they have adequate plans in place to allow for the strategic coordination of large-scale door-to-door welfare checks, and that these plans are tested and exercised.
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