
Stoma Appliance Service in the Community: Stoma Care Quality and Cost Effectiveness Review 2015

This report details the findings and recommendations following a multi-layered national audit involving patients, NHS Board staff, DACs, community pharmacies and manufacturers designed and conducted during 2014-15.

Appendix 3: Managed Service - Audit Tool

Stoma Appliance Service

Quality and Cost Effectiveness Review

Managed Service - Audit Tool

Purpose of this audit

Following a comprehensive review of the Stoma Appliances Service within NHS Scotland, new specifications for the service were introduced in July 2011. As part of this exercise an undertaking was given that the service would be subject to audit at some stage to determine the level of compliance with these modified specifications and how these met the needs of patients during the intervening period.

The audit also provides an opportunity for NHS Personnel involved in the provision of stoma care to indicate any modifications they wish to be considered, should a need for a further review of the service be identified. This document is provided as an Audit Tool to assist you in completing this exercise.

Guidance on completing the audit

The Audit Tool covers two sections: section 1 is NHS Personnel Audit Tool and there is also a second section for you to record additional comments you feel are pertinent to the Review and its outcome.

A similar audit is also being undertaken with Patient and Carers in parallel with exercise. A separate element for the Cost Effectiveness strand of the Review is also in hand.

Respondents are required to record their name, contact details and designation (e.g. position) within their health board for their contribution to be considered and the opportunity for further engagement on a particular point. A section has been provided at the foot of the document for this purpose.

For the process to be effective and meaningful, respondents are encouraged to be honest in their assessment. Feel free to change or add new criteria to identify areas where improvements may be needed.

We particularly value any feedback about the content of the audit and the relevance of criteria.

Managed Service - Audit Tool

Managed Service - Audit Tool


Stoma Nurse Specialists

Ostomy Suppliers

2005 Standards

Ostomy Prices

Patient Leaflet

2011 Legislation

Practitioner Services Division

NES Training


CP - Community Pharmacy

CPS - Community Pharmacy Scotland

DAC - Dispensing Appliance Contractor

GMS - General Medical Services

NES - National Health Education Scotland

NP - National Procurement

PSD - Practitioner Services Division


Email: Elaine Muirhead

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