Spring Budget Revision 2024-25: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2024 Amendment Regulations 2025. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Spring Budget Revision

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Total Budget following the Autumn Budget Revision 1,082.467 17.517 1,099.984
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes (1.891) 0.750 (1.141)
Technical Adjustments (6.626) (0.252) (6.878)
Net Whitehall Transfers 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Transfers within Scottish Block (6.716) 0.000 (6.716)
Total changes proposed (15.233) 0.498 (14.735)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revisions 1,067.234 18.015 1,085.249
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Expenditure Limit:
Agricultural Support and Related Services 679.669 12.200 691.869
Rural Services 56.053 0.000 56.053
Marine Funding 11.500 (0.250) 11.250
Marine 86.858 4.300 91.158
Islands 5.463 0.000 5.463
Land Reform 10.562 0.000 10.562
Scottish Forestry 68.416 1.865 70.281
Forestry and Land Scotland 37.479 0.000 37.479
Natural Resources and Peatland 27.525 -0.100 27.425
Research Analysis and Other Services 82.310 0.000 82.310
Total Expenditure Limit 1,065.835 18.015 1,083.850
UK Funded AME:
Agricultural Support and Related Services 0.091 0.000 0.091
Marine 1.308 0.000 1.308
Total UK Funded AME 1.399 0.000 1.399
Other Expenditure:
Animal License Fees 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Other Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Budget 1,067.234 18.015 1,085.249
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 300.000

Schedule 3.1 Agricultural Support & Related Services

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 695.453 10.200 705.653
ABR Changes (0.561) 0.000 (0.561)
ABR Budget 694.892 10.200 705.092
Proposed Changes (15.132) 2.000 (13.132)
SBR Proposed Budget 679.760 12.200 691.960
Summary of proposed changes
Net release of emerging and planned underspend to support priorities (7.485) 2.000 (5.485)
Technical adjustment of non-cash budget for depreciation (7.688) 0.000 (7.688)
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.041 0.000 0.041
(15.132) 2.000 (13.132)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 679.760 12.200 691.960
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
679.760 12.200 691.960
Budget Analysis
Agri Environmental Measures 24.044 0.000 24.044
Agricultural Reform Programme 9.500 2.000 11.500
Agricultural Transformation Fund 5.930 0.000 5.930
Broadband 0.000 0.000 0.000
Business Development 10.136 0.000 10.136
CAP Pillar 1 Basic Payments 282.000 0.000 282.000
CAP Pillar 1 Greening Payments 142.000 0.000 142.000
CAP Pillar 1 Other Payments 50.700 0.000 50.700
CAP Compliance Improvements 0.000 0.000 0.000
Convergence Funding 1.800 0.000 1.800
Crofting Assistance 2.096 0.000 2.096
EU Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Forestry 0.050 0.000 0.050
Less Favoured Area Support Scheme 65.500 0.000 65.500
Payments and Inspections Admin costs 84.505 10.200 94.705
Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture 0.499 0.000 0.499
Technical Assistance 1.000 0.000 1.000
Net Expenditure 679.760 12.200 691.960

Schedule 3.2 Rural Services

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 59.200 0.000 59.200
ABR Changes (2.267) 0.000 (2.267)
ABR Budget 56.933 0.000 56.933
Proposed Changes (0.880) 0.000 (0.880)
SBR Proposed Budget 56.053 0.000 56.053
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers (0.880) 0.000 (0.880)
(0.880) 0.000 (0.880)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 56.053 0.000 56.053
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
56.053 0.000 56.053
Budget Analysis
Agricultural & Horticultural Advice & Support 1.714 0.000 1.714
Animal Health 24.292 0.000 24.292
Crofting Commission 4.500 0.000 4.500
Food Industry Support 8.046 0.000 8.046
Leader (Community Led Local Development) 11.400 0.000 11.400
Support for Agricultural Training 0.600 0.000 0.600
Rural Cohesion 0.582 0.000 0.582
Veterinary Surveillance 4.919 0.000 4.919
Net Expenditure 56.053 0.000 56.053

Schedule 3.3 Marine Funding

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 15.000 0.000 15.000
ABR Changes (0.500) 0.000 (0.500)
ABR Budget 14.500 0.000 14.500
Proposed Changes (3.000) (0.250) (3.250)
SBR Proposed Budget 11.500 (0.250) 11.250
Summary of proposed changes
Release of emerging and planned underspend to support priorities (3.000) (0.250) (3.250)
(3.000) (0.250) (3.250)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 11.500 (0.250) 11.250
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
11.500 (0.250) 11.250
Budget Analysis
EU Fisheries Grants 0.000 0.000 0.000
Fisheries Transition Fund 14.000 0.000 14.000
Fisheries Harbour Grants 0.500 (0.250) 0.250
Marine EU Income (3.000) 0.000 (3.000)
Net Expenditure 11.500 (0.250) 11.250

Schedule 3.4 Marine

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 70.699 7.300 77.999
ABR Changes 7.033 (2.000) 5.033
ABR Budget 77.732 5.300 83.032
Proposed Changes 10.434 (1.000) 9.434
SBR Proposed Budget 88.166 4.300 92.466
Summary of proposed changes
Additional funding to enable distribution to Local Government of Crown Estates Net revenues 12.420 0.000 12.420
Release of emerging and planned underspend to support priorities (2.500) (1.000) (3.500)
Additional AME funding for depreciation of donated assets 1.308 0.000 1.308
Miscellaneous minor transfers (0.794) 0.000 (0.794)
10.434 (1.000) 9.434
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 88.166 4.300 92.466
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
88.166 4.300 92.466
Budget Analysis
Marine Scotland 88.166 4.300 92.466
Net Expenditure 88.166 4.300 92.466

Schedule 3.5 Islands Plan

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 6.700 0.000 6.700
ABR Changes (1.237) 0.000 (1.237)
ABR Budget 5.463 0.000 5.463
Proposed Changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
SBR Proposed Budget 5.463 0.000 5.463
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 5.463 0.000 5.463
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
5.463 0.000 5.463
Budget Analysis
Carbon Neutral Islands 2.084 0.000 2.084
Islands Bonds 0.000 0.000 0.000
Islands Plan 3.379 0.000 3.379
Net Expenditure 5.463 0.000 5.463

Schedule 3.6 Land Reform

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 11.600 0.000 11.600
ABR Changes 0.015 0.000 0.015
ABR Budget 11.615 0.000 11.615
Proposed Changes (1.053) 0.000 (1.053)
SBR Proposed Budget 10.562 0.000 10.562
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers (1.053) 0.000 (1.053)
(1.053) 0.000 (1.053)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 10.562 0.000 10.562
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
10.562 0.000 10.562
Budget Analysis
Land Reform 8.947 0.000 8.947
Scottish Land Commission 1.615 0.000 1.615
Net Expenditure 10.562 0.000 10.562

Schedule 3.7 Scottish Forestry

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 67.980 2.117 70.097
ABR Changes 0.099 0.000 0.099
ABR Budget 68.079 2.117 70.196
Proposed Changes 0.337 (0.252) 0.085
SBR Proposed Budget 68.416 1.865 70.281
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.337 (0.252) 0.085
0.337 (0.252) 0.085
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 68.416 1.865 70.281
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
68.416 1.865 70.281
Budget Analysis
Programme and Running costs 19.462 0.138 19.600
Depreciation 0.944 0.000 0.944
Woodland Grants 45.340 0.000 45.340
EC Receipts 0.000 0.000 0.000
Forest Research (Cross Border Services) 2.670 1.727 4.397
Net Expenditure 68.416 1.865 70.281

Schedule 3.8 Forestry and Land Scotland

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 27.849 0.000 27.849
ABR changes 3.645 0.000 3.645
ABR Budget 31.494 0.000 31.494
Proposed Changes 5.985 0.000 5.985
SBR Proposed Budget 37.479 0.000 37.479
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer from Natural Resources and Peatland to support peatland restoration work and to protect and restore Scotland's Atlantic Rainforest 5.985 0.000 5.985
5.985 0.000 5.985
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 37.479 0.000 37.479
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
37.479 0.000 37.479
Budget Analysis
Forestry and Land Scotland Resource 17.938 0.000 17.938
Forestry and Land Scotland Capital 19.541 0.000 19.541
Net Expenditure 37.479 0.000 37.479

Schedule 3.9 Natural Resources and Peatland

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 52.154 0.000 52.154
ABR changes (12.751) (0.100) (12.851)
ABR Budget 39.403 -0.100 39.303
Proposed Changes (11.878) 0.000 (11.878)
SBR Proposed Budget 27.525 (0.100) 27.425
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to NatureScot to support peatland restoration work (5.893) 0.000 (5.893)
Transfer to Forestry and Land Scotland to support peatland restoration work and to protect and restore Scotland's Atlantic Rainforest (5.985) 0.000 (5.985)
(11.878) 0.000 (11.878)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 25.325 (0.100) 25.225
Less: Retained Income 2.200 0.000 2.200
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
27.525 (0.100) 27.425
Budget Analysis
National Parks 25.244 0.000 25.244
Natural Resources 1.061 (0.100) 0.961
Peatlands 1.220 0.000 1.220
Net Expenditure 27.525 (0.100) 27.425

Schedule 3.10 Research, Analysis and Other Services

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 83.495 0.000 83.495
ABR Changes (1.215) 0.000 (1.215)
ABR Budget 82.280 0.000 82.280
Proposed Changes 0.030 0.000 0.030
SBR Proposed Budget 82.310 0.000 82.310
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.030 0.000 0.030
0.030 0.000 0.030
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 82.310 0.000 82.310
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
82.310 0.000 82.310
Budget Analysis
Strategic Policy, Research and Sponsorship 2.422 0.000 2.422
Economic and Other Surveys 3.716 0.000 3.716
Programmes of Research 47.705 0.000 47.705
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 28.467 0.000 28.467
Net Expenditure 82.310 0.000 82.310


Email: Finance.Co-ordination@gov.scot

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