Spring Budget Revision 2024-25: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2024 Amendment Regulations 2025. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Health and Social Care

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Spring Budget Revision

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Total Budget in the Autumn Budget Revision 19,317.487 389.555 19,707.042
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes 620.000 68.500 688.500
Technical Adjustments 184.581 54.045 238.626
Net Whitehall Transfers (1.566) 0.000 (1.566)
Net Transfers within Scottish Block (44.480) (2.062) (46.542)
Total changes proposed 758.535 120.483 879.018
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision 20,076.022 510.038 20,586.060
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Expenditure Limit:
Health and Social Care 19,807.454 473.080 20,280.534
Total Expenditure Limit 19,807.454 473.080 20,280.534
UK Funded AME:
Health 194.795 3.225 198.020
Total UK Funded AME 194.795 3.225 198.020
Other Expenditure:
Health 74.173 33.733 107.906
Total Other Expenditure 74.173 33.733 107.906
Total Budget 20,076.422 510.038 20,586.460
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 3,002.000

Schedule 3.1 Health and Social Care Details of Proposed Budget

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 18729.01 829.555 19558.565
ABR Changes 588.477 (440.000) 148.477
ABR Budget 19,317.49 389.555 19707.042
SBR Proposed Changes 758.935 120.483 879.418
SBR Proposed Budget 20,076.422 510.038 20,586.460
Summary of proposed changes      
Additional funding for Health and Social Care services 620.000 67.000 687.000
Additional FT funding for Loans to GP practices and repayment of loans made to sports organisations 0.000 1.500 1.500
Whitehall transfer - Return of overpayment from UK Health Security Agency in 2023-24 and 2024-25 (5.746) 0.000 (5.746)
Whitehall transfer - Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines Pricing and Access funding from Department of Health and Social Care 3.230 0.000 3.230
Whitehall transfer - Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme interim payments funding from Department of Health and Social Care 0.933 0.000 0.933
Whitehall transfer (AME element) - Scottish Infected Blood Support Scheme interim payments funding from Department of Health and Social Care 112.400 0.000 112.400
Transfer to Scottish Funding Council to fund additional medical school student places (15.600) 0.000 (15.600)
Transfer to Scottish Funding Council to fund salary costs of Clinical Academics and Senior Academic GPs (8.930) 0.000 (8.930)
Transfer to Scottish Funding Council to fund the teaching grant for nursing and midwifery students (6.973) 0.000 (6.973)
Transfer to Justice portfolio for the Scottish Ambulance Service's share of the Emergency Services Mobile Communication Programme (2.285) (2.062) (4.347)
Transfer to Education portfolio to support social work education (3.700) 0.000 (3.700)
Transfer to Education portfolio for SAAS to fund additional medical student places (2.548) 0.000 (2.548)
Transfer to Deputy First Minister & Finance portfolio for Scottish Futures Trust infrastructure programme (1.771) 0.000 (1.771)
Transfer to Scottish Funding Council to fund the teaching grant for paramedicine students (1.106) 0.000 (1.106)
ODEL adjustments for PFI leases and donated assets 62.173 24.733 86.906
Reduction in NHS impairment requirements (UK AME) (62.272) 0.000 (62.272)
Technical Adjustment – IFRS 16 Leases 4.315 29.312 33.627
Additional budget cover for NHS provisions (UK AME) 31.607 0.000 31.607
Additional NHS Boards depreciation requirement 25.366 0.000 25.366
Additional budget cover for NHS donated asset depreciation (UK AME) 5.682 0.000 5.682
NHS Pension Liability (UK AME) 5.310 0.000 5.310
Miscellaneous minor transfers (1.150) 0.000 (1.150)
758.935 120.483 879.418
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 20,076.422 510.038 20,586.460
Less: Retained Income 0 0 0
Capital Receipts Applied 0 0 0
20,076.422 510.038 20,586.460
Budget Analysis      
Active Healthy Lives 12.632 0.000 12.632
Alcohol and Drugs Policy 78.368 0.000 78.368
Capital Income 0.000 (20.000) (20.000)
Community Eyecare 134.085 0.000 134.085
COVID-19 Funding and Other Services 512.139 0.000 512.139
Digital Health and Care 117.621 0.000 117.621
Early Years 45.831 0.000 45.831
Education and Training 306.272 0.000 306.272
Financial Transactions 0.000 1.500 1.500
General Dental Services 474.879 0.000 474.879
General Medical Services 1,326.635 0.000 1,326.635
Health Improvement & Protection 250.113 0.000 250.113
Investment 442.230 491.580 933.810
Mental Health Services 261.263 0.000 261.263
National Care Service / Adult Social Care 196.241 0.000 196.241
NHS Capital Grants (AME) 112.400 0.000 112.400
NHS National Boards 1709.510 0.000 1709.510
NHS Territorial Boards 13,604.889 0.000 13,604.889
Outcomes Framework 0.000 0.000 0.000
Pharmaceutical Services Contractors Remuneration 256.603 0.000 256.603
Quality and Improvement 43.665 0.000 43.665
Revenue Consequences of NPD Schemes 0.000 0.000 0.000
SportScotland 34.478 0.000 34.478
Health PPP/PFI NPD (Other) 74.173 33.733 107.906
NHS Donated Assets (UK AME) 5.682 0.000 5.682
NHS Pension Liability (AME) 5.310 0.000 5.310
NHS Provisions (AME) 31.607 0.000 31.607
NHS Impairments (UK AME) 37.728 0.000 37.728
NHS IFRS 16 (AME) 2.068 3.225 5.293
Net Expenditure 20,1076.422 510.038 20,586.460


Email: Finance.Co-ordination@gov.scot

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