Spring Budget Revision 2024-25: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2024 Amendment Regulations 2025. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Education and Skills

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Spring Budget Revision

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Total Budget following the Autumn Budget Revision 3,658.874 878.900 4,537.774
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes 29.784 (1.000) 28.784
Technical Adjustments (557.718) 143.550 (414.168)
Net Whitehall Transfers 0.000 0.000 0.000
Net Transfers within Scottish Block (196.128) 0.000 (196.128)
Total changes proposed (724.062) 142.550 (581.512)
Proposed Budget following Autumn Budget Revision 2,934.812 1,021.450 3,956.262
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Expenditure Limit:
Learning 181.894 0.000 181.894
Education Reform 76.899 0.000 76.899
Education Scotland 46.614 0.000 46.614
Children and Families 204.764 7.000 211.764
Higher Education Student Support 165.241 6.010 171.251
Scottish Funding Council 1,982.489 0.000 1,982.489
Lifelong Learning and Skills 248.202 0.000 248.202
E&S Central Government Grants to LAs 130.614 0.000 130.614
Total Expenditure Limit 3,036.717 13.010 3,049.727
UK Funded AME:
Education Scotland 0.095 0.019 0.114
Education Reform AME 0.000 1.421 1.421
Higher Education Student Support (102.000) 1,007.000 905.000
Total UK Funded AME (101.905) 1,008.440 906.535
Other Expenditure:
Total Other Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Budget 2,934.812 1,021.450 3,956.262
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 350.000

Schedule 3.1 Learning

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 712.455 0.000 712.455
ABR changes (286.034) 0.000 (286.034)
ABR Budget 426.421 0.000 426.421
Proposed Changes (244.527) 0.000 (244.527)
SBR Proposed Budget 181.894 0.000 181.894
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Scottish Funding Council (SFC) in relation to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) (4.347) 0.000 (4.347)
Transfer to SAAS to support additional student places for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) (3.702) 0.000 (3.702)
Transfer to Local Government to support the expansion of Free School Meals facilities (40.000) 0.000 (40.000)
Transfer to Local Government to support the expansion of Free School Meals (25.000) 0.000 (25.000)
Transfer to Education Scotland to fund the Glow national learning platform (6.100) 0.000 (6.100)
Transfer to Education Scotland to fund Scottish Attainment Challenge advisor posts. (1.000) 0.000 (1.000)
Transfer to Local Government to support the Teachers' Pay Deal (10.000) 0.000 (10.000)
Transfer to Local Government to support School Milk subsidy schemes (1.000) 0.000 (1.000)
Transfer to Local Government to support the Teachers' Pay Deal (1.800) 0.000 (1.800)
Transfer to Local Government to support teachers and learning support staff costs (145.500) 0.000 (145.500)
Transfer to Local Government to support the Teacher Induction Scheme (4.551) 0.000 (4.551)
Miscellaneous minor transfers (1.527) 0.000 (1.527)
(244.527) 0.000 (244.527)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 181.894 0.000 181.894
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
181.894 0.000 181.894
Budget Analysis
Education Analytical Services 5.246 0.000 5.246
Workforce and Infrastructure 97.245 0.000 97.245
Improvement Attainment and Wellbeing 79.403 0.000 79.403
Net Expenditure 181.894 0.000 181.894
Education and Skills

Schedule 3.2 Education Reform

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 71.337 0.000 71.337
ABR changes (19.766) 0.000 (19.766)
ABR Budget 51.571 0.000 51.571
Proposed Changes 25.328 1.421 26.749
SBR Proposed Budget 76.899 1.421 78.320
Summary of proposed changes
Additional funding to support Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) 28.594 0.000 28.594
Miscellaneous minor transfer (3.266) 1.421 (1.845)
25.328 1.421 26.749
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 76.899 1.421 78.320
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
76.899 1.421 78.320
Budget Analysis
Education Reform 67.056 0.000 67.056
Education Reform - AME 0.000 1.421 1.421
Curriculum 9.843 0.000 9.843
Net Expenditure 76.899 1.421 78.320

3.3 Education Scotland

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 29.199 0.000 29.199
ABR changes 1.698 0.000 1.698
ABR Budget 30.897 0.000 30.897
Proposed Changes 15.831 0.000 15.831
SBR Proposed Budget 46.728 0.000 46.728
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer from Technologies for Learning to fund the Glow national learning platform 6.100 0.000 6.100
Transfer from Learning to fund Scottish Attainment Challenge advisor posts. 1.000 0.000 1.000
Additional funding to Education Scotland to support operational costs 4.900 0.000 4.900
Miscellaneous minor transfers 3.831 0.000 3.831
15.831 0.000 15.831
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 46.709 0.019 46.728
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
46.709 0.019 46.728
Budget Analysis
Education Scotland 47.563 0.000 47.563
Education Scotland Income (0.949) 0.000 (0.949)
Education Scotland AME 0.095 0.019 0.114
Net Expenditure 46.709 0.019 46.728

Schedule 3.4 Children and Families

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 309.604 7.000 316.604
ABR changes (93.190) 0.000 (93.190)
ABR Budget 216.414 7.000 223.414
Proposed Changes (11.650) 0.000 (11.650)
SBR Proposed Budget 204.764 7.000 211.764
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer to Local Government to fund the Free School Meals expansion (5.000) 0.000 (5.000)
Transfer to Local Government in relation to the Teachers pay deal (2.000) 0.000 (2.000)
Transfer from Health & Social Care to fund in relation to Social Work Education 3.700 0.000 3.700
Release of emerging underspend from the School Age Childcare Capital to support other SG priorities (1.700) 0.000 (1.700)
Release of emerging underspend from the School Age Childcare resource to support other E&S Portfolio priorities (1.900) 0.000 (1.900)
Release of emerging underspend from Workforce Development to support other E&S Portfolio priorities (1.000) 0.000 (1.000)
Miscellaneous minor transfers (3.750) 0.000 (3.750)
(11.650) 0.000 (11.650)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 220.764 7.000 227.764
Less: Retained Income (16.000) 0.000 (16.000)
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
204.764 7.000 211.764
Budget Analysis
Children's Rights, Protection and Justice 72.710 0.000 72.710
Creating Positive Futures 28.805 0.000 28.805
Disclosure Scotland Expenditure 42.678 7.000 49.678
Disclosure Scotland Retained Income (15.300) 0.000 (15.300)
Early Learning and Childcare 21.551 0.000 21.551
Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser 28.576 0.000 28.576
Care Experience - Whole Family Wellbeing 25.744 0.000 25.744
Net Expenditure 204.764 7.000 211.764

3.5 Lifelong Learning and Skills

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 251.915 0.000 251.915
ABR changes (3.366) 0.000 (3.366)
ABR Proposed Budget 248.549 0.000 248.549
Proposed Changes (0.347) 0.000 (0.347)
SBR Proposed Budget 248.202 0.000 248.202
Summary of proposed changes
Miscellaneous minor transfers (0.347) 0.000 (0.347)
(0.347) 0.000 (0.347)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 248.202 0.000 248.202
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
248.202 0.000 248.202
Budget Analysis
Lifelong Learning 11.287 0.000 11.287
Skills 35.316 0.000 35.316
Skills Development Scotland 201.599 0.000 201.599
Net Expenditure 248.202 0.000 248.202

Schedule 3.6 Scottish Funding Council

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 1,873.502 0.000 1,873.502
ABR changes 50.691 0.000 50.691
ABR Budget 1,924.193 0.000 1,924.193
Proposed Changes 58.296 0.000 58.296
SBR Proposed Budget 1,982.489 0.000 1,982.489
Summary of proposed changes
Transfer from Learning in relation to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) 4.347 0.000 4.347
Transfer from Health in relation to Paramedicine education 1.106 0.000 1.106
Transfer from Health in relation to Nurse and Midwifery Education 6.973 0.000 6.973
Transfer from Health in relation to Clinical Academics and Senior Academic GP's 8.930 0.000 8.930
Funding from Health to cover the costs of additional medical students places 15.600 0.000 15.600
Funding from Health to cover the costs of additional medical students places (Calman report) 1.066 0.000 1.066
Additional funding to support colleges with increased annual NPD charges 1.928 0.000 1.928
Additional funding to support the operational costs of the Scottish Funding Council 3.000 0.000 3.000
Additional funding to Colleges to support increased contributions the Scottish Teachers' Pension Scheme (STPS) 7.677 0.000 7.677
Additional funding to Universities to support increased contributions the Scottish Teachers' Pension Scheme (STPS) 5.828 0.000 5.828
Miscellaneous minor transfers 1.841 0.000 1.841
58.296 0.000 58.296
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 1,982.489 0.000 1,982.489
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
1,982.489 0.000 1,982.489
Budget Analysis
Scottish Funding Council Administration 10.683 0.000 10.683
College Resource 696.958 0.000 696.958
Higher Education Resource 855.408 0.000 855.408
College Capital 71.450 0.000 71.450
Higher Education Capital 347.990 0.000 347.990
Net Expenditure 1,982.489 0.000 1,982.489

Schedule 3.7 Higher Education Student Support

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 612.743 871.900 1,484.643
ABR changes 17.472 0.000 17.472
ABR Budget 630.215 871.900 1,502.115
Proposed Changes (566.974) 141.110 (425.864)
SBR Proposed Budget 63.241 1,013.010 1,076.251
Summary of proposed changes
Revised estimate of student loans capital and capitalised interest requirement (AME) (41.107) 142.000 100.893
Reduction in budget requirement to cover impairment costs on the Student Loans RAB charge (517.069) 0.000 (517.069)
Transfer from Teacher Training to support additional student places for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) 3.702 0.000 3.702
Transfer from Health to support additional medical school student places 2.548 0.000 2.548
Release of emerging/planned underspend from Higher Education Student Support to support other SG priorities (15.487) (1.000) (16.487)
Miscellaneous minor transfers 0.439 0.110 0.549
(566.974) 141.110 (425.864)
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 63.241 1,013.010 1,076.251
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
63.241 1,013.010 1,076.251
Budget Analysis
Capitalised Interest (447.000) 0.000 (447.000)
Net Student Loans Advanced 0.000 1,007.000 1,007.000
Student Loan Fair Value Adjustment 348.000 0.000 348.000
Student Loan Sale Subsidy Impairment Adjustment (3.000) 0.000 (3.000)
Cost of Providing Student Loans (RAB Charge)(Non-Cash) (172.781) 0.000 (172.781)
Student Awards Agency for Scotland Operating Costs 16.272 6.010 22.282
Student Loan Interest Subsidy to Bank 2.722 0.000 2.722
Student Loans Company Administration Costs 4.185 0.000 4.185
Student Support & Tuition Fee Payments 314.843 0.000 314.843
Net Expenditure 63.241 1,013.010 1,076.251

Schedule 3.8 E&S Central Government Grants to Local Authorities

Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 120.000 0.000 120.000
ABR changes 10.614 0.000 10.614
ABR Budget 130.614 0.000 130.614
Proposed Changes 0.000 0.000 0.000
SBR Proposed Budget 130.614 0.000 130.614
Summary of proposed changes
0.000 0.000 0.000
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision
Proposed Changes £m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 130.614 0.000 130.614
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
130.614 0.000 130.614
Budget Analysis
Local Government Attainment Fund 130.614 0.000 130.614
Net Expenditure 130.614 0.000 130.614


Email: Finance.Co-ordination@gov.scot

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