Social Security Experience Panels: agency buildings

This report details the key themes from research into social security client expectations on agency buildings, facilities and privacy.

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Paper applications

Finally, we asked survey respondents if they would ever want to apply for a benefit using a paper application form.

Over four in ten said they would always apply by paper (44 per cent) and just under a third said they would apply by paper sometimes (32 per cent). A quarter of respondents (25 per cent) said they would never want to apply by paper.

Table 19: Respondent preferences on applying by paper (n=143)

Preference %
Would always by paper 44
Would sometimes apply by paper 32
Would never apply by paper 25
Total 101

A chi-square test of association revealed that age[20] and desire to apply using a paper based form were significantly associated[21].

Just under a third of respondents under the age of 60 (32 per cent) said they would never want to apply with a paper form, however less than one in ten respondents aged over 60 said this (9 per cent).

The cross-tabulation of the data[22] as presented in Table 20 gives a broad indication of the the direction of association of age and desire to communicate through paper-based means, with the desire weakest amongst respondents aged between 25-44, and increasing with age.

Table 20: Cross-tabulation of age and desire to use paper-based applications

  % within age group
Age range Wants to use paper-based applications Does not want to use paper-based applications
25 – 44 53 47
45 – 59 72 28
60 - 79 91 9


Email: James.Miller@gov.Scot

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