Scottish Pubs Code and related regulations: business and regulatory impact assessment

The business and regulatory impact assessment of the Scottish Pubs Code Regulations 2024. It also covers the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 (Fees and Financial Penalties) Regulations 2024 and the Tied Pubs (Scottish Arbitration Rules) Amendment Order 2024.

Annex D

List of questions to one pub-owning business as part of the Scottish Firms Impact Test

General information about your business in Scotland

  • How many tied pubs do you have in Scotland?
  • What is your general lease length of tied pubs?
  • How many free of tie leased pubs do you have in Scotland?
  • What is the general lease length?
  • How many employees to you have in Scotland and across the UK?

Guest beer agreement

  • Do you currently offer guest beer agreements?
  • What would be the time/cost to develop a guest beer agreement?
  • What are the costs and benefits of various options – guest beer agreement is available for all types of beer, guest beer agreement is focused on brands of beers with a medium production value (e.g., under 30,000hL) or guest beer agreement is focused on brands of beers with a small production value (e.g., under 5,000hL)?
  • Cost to maintain guest beer equipment?

MRO leases

  • Does the cost/range of beer vary if it is a free of tie pub or a tied pub?
  • What is the pub-owning companies share of profit in a free of tie pub compared to a tied pub?
  • What would the impact be on wet/dry rent to a pub-owning business if a tenant took an MRO lease?
  • What would be the impact on investment of MRO?
  • What is the cost of using a rent assessor?
  • How long would it take to prepare an MRO lease/deed of variation
  • What would be the costs/benefits of the following options - MRO only for new leases, MRO but restricted to certain circumstances (with an investment exception) largely as per the consultation, or MRO available to all tenants in all circumstances – in terms of share of profits, opportunities for new entrants, changes in the types of pubs (changed to other models such as selling pubs)
  • Who supplies stock required under a stocking requirement in an MRO lease (brewer or pub-owning company)?

Rent reviews/rent assessment

  • Time and cost to run a rent assessment/rent review?
  • Cost of using a rent assessor/independent advisor?
  • Likelihood of rent changing as a result?
  • Percentage of existing leases that have rent review clauses?
  • What would be the costs/benefits of the following options – tenant being able to request a rent review/assessment only when the landlord is proposing a change, rent review/ assessment as per the consultation if a review hasn’t taken place in the previous 5 years or when material circumstances change, rent review/assessment only if one hasn’t taken place in the previous 5 years or on request at any time by the tenant?

Costs/benefits of compliance

  • What changes would be required for pub-owning businesses to comply with the code?
  • How much does arbitration cost on average for the pub-owning business?
  • If the maximum penalty for non-compliance was set at 1% of UK group turnover (see paragraph 45 for the definition) – how much would that be? How much would that vary if it was only focused on turnover from your Scottish Leased and Tenanted business?



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