
The Scottish Government Response To 'A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on a Children and Young People Bill'

This document sets out the Scottish Government’s Response to the 2012 consultation on the Children and Young People Bill.

Better Service Planning and Delivery

The consultation proposed a new duty that brings together, clarifies and firmly embeds existing joint working approaches across the public sector, taking account of the legislation already in place to ensure an appropriate fit. This will mean those bodies responsible for expenditure, planning and delivery of services should work together in considering how to improve the whole wellbeing of children and young people in their area.

What You Said

80% of consultation respondents supported the duty saying that joint working was important in the context of improving children's and young people's wellbeing. Many respondents had experience of current good practice in this regard, and considered that formalising this in statute would strengthen such practice, making it more robust, and consistent, while providing a foundation that can be built upon. There were many reasons for supporting this proposal, including a strong belief that strengthened duties could assist in addressing current barriers to further joint working and could encourage resource sharing. There was also a strong feeling that such a duty would ensure that different agencies and organisations address a perceived culture of reluctance to share information.

This feedback was consistent with the very positive response received through informal engagement activity.

The Scottish Government Response

The Bill will include duties on local authorities and health boards to prepare a children's services plan which sets out arrangements for the provision of all services having a significant impact on the wellbeing of children in that area. The plan should be designed to promote, support and safeguard the wellbeing of children in that area in a coherent way that is responsive to those children's needs. It will be a requirement that local authorities and heath boards involve a number of key service providers in the preparation of the plan. The public bodies that this duty will apply to are:

  • Local authorities
  • Health boards
  • The Police Service for Scotland
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
  • Children's Hearings Scotland
  • The Scottish Court Service
  • Scottish Ministers

It will also be a requirement that local authorities and health boards consult with a wider range of local service providers in preparing the plan. There will be a requirement for the plan to be submitted to Scottish Ministers and published as soon as reasonably practicable after it has been prepared, and the plan should also be kept under review. Children's services must be provided in accordance with the plan.

This provision will clarify and embed existing joint working approaches across the public sector, complementing existing legislation and other planned legislation, such as the Adult Health and Social Care Integration Bill and the Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill.


Email: Simon Craig

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