
The Scottish Government Response To 'A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on a Children and Young People Bill'

This document sets out the Scottish Government’s Response to the 2012 consultation on the Children and Young People Bill.

Next Steps

Although significant consultation and engagement with stakeholders, partners and colleagues has been undertaken to date, this vital work will continue as the Bill develops, goes through the Parliamentary process and is implemented.

Work is underway with working groups comprised of key stakeholders to discuss the financial implications of the Bill provisions, and this is feeding into the development of the Financial Memorandum that will accompany the Bill when it is introduced to Parliament. Additional working groups have also been set up with stakeholders to begin consideration of the detail of the regulations and guidance that will be issued by Scottish Ministers to provide more specific information on how the Bill provisions should be implemented.

The Bill will be introduced to Parliament this year, with the intention of the early learning and childcare provisions commencing in 2014. Commencement dates for other provisions have not yet been confirmed and close work is being undertaken with stakeholders to determine a realistic timeframe.


Email: Simon Craig

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