Carbon Management Plan 2014

This revised Carbon Management Plan (CMP) sets out the activities that will enable us to reduce our carbon emissions and meet our reduction targets.

5. CMP Implementation


A "Top Down" management approach is required to drive forward the CMP to give the operations the best possible chance of being implemented successfully. Without a firm commitment from key decision makers within the People Directorate, the CMP operations will lack focus and credibility. The revived reporting structure set out in this Plan seeks to engage the existing management structure in supporting, funding delivering and reviewing the effectiveness of the CMP.

The outcome of the CMP rests on the successful implementation of both processes and projects. This can only be achieved through year-on-year funding by SG and putting carbon management at the heart of decision-making across all the Directorates in SG. This section details the management structure and processes that will deliver the CMP measures and achieve the reduction target. Any future implementation of CMP measures should be aligned with the current accommodation strategy for the estate and other relevant corporate policy issues.

During the review of the Carbon Management Plan several operational improvement actions were identified which have been recorded on pages 32-35.

CMP Mandate to deliver

The CMP must deliver genuine carbon reduction results and be underpinned by a management mandate with clear governance. The mandate to deliver this CMP has to be based on the inclusion of the CMP in the HROD Divisional Plan 2012/15; this is a clear commitment at the highest level, reinforcing the need for action throughout the CMP hierarchy.

CMP Governance

In order to enable effective and on-going ownership of the CMP, it is important to define a governance structure. The governance structure for the SG carbon management plan is relatively simple. The CMT Team will have operational responsibility to deliver the measures required to achieve the carbon reduction targets. This team is chaired by the Facilities Services: Head of Delivery, who will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the CMPl and reporting progress to the Resources Board.

The CMP will also be reviewed annually by the Resources Board. Work undertaken to implement the capital and maintenance programmes across the SG estate is reviewed at the monthly FM client/contractor meetings, when contractor representatives provide progress updates on projects approved by Facilities Services managers. Other Facilities Services project/contract meetings provide an excellent opportunity for the CMP objectives and interventions to be understood by stakeholders and encourage joint working to deliver carbon reductions and develop solutions to any potential operational challenges.

The Carbon Management Team ( CMT)

The CMT comprises staff from a wide range of SG delivery areas and the FM contractor managers. A number of policy areas across SG have a role in delivering a complex range of environmental objectives. The overall aim of the Team will be to optimise the environmental performance of the SG estate though the implementation of CMP measures and increased staff awareness

The CMT will meet on a quarterly basis to:

  • Manage the CMP operations and budget;
  • Approve the implementation of CMP projects & behaviour change measures;
  • Update the CM Project Register with any corporate BAU changes:
  • Monitor emissions performance against estate targets;
  • Produce an annual CMP report to be reviewed by the Resources Board;
  • Support and promote CMP activities via Saltire & other communications; and
  • Update the CM project register with new and completed projects, recording the expected carbon reduction and cost of installation.
  • Allocate funds to implement the CMP measures year on year;
  • Support the objectives of the SG Environmental Policy;
  • Strive to embed low carbon policy measures across all Directorates;
  • Increase staff awareness and encourage behaviour change across the estate;
  • Provide a strategic link between the CMT and the Resources Board;
  • Review CMP performance, reports, plans and publications; and
  • Support the CMT by Identifying and resolving specific challenges faced in achieving environmental objectives and targets.

The Team will monitor the progress of a range of environmental projects and provide leadership to the CMP to ensure projects are consistent with SG aims, overcome difficulties and allocate adequate resources and priority to implement the CMP. The Chair will provide an annual progress update to the Resources Board.

The Resources Board

The Resources Board will be asked to review progress made with the CMP against the estate carbon reduction targets and consider the financial support required to continue to develop and implement the measures outlined in the Plan. Our carbon performance will be monitored and financially supported through a robust management reporting structure linking the roles of the Carbon Management Team and the Resources Board to ensure we are visible participants in the public sector and to ensure that social, environmental and economic implications are taken into account in all our policies.

The key roles of the Board are to:

  • Annually review the estate carbon management performance against the reduction targets;
  • Provide support and funding to enable the development and implementation of the CMP;
  • Inform the CM Team of any future policy or strategy implications that would impact on the estate boundary and carbon footprint; and
  • Broker cross-policy support from other Directorates to deliver the CMP.

CMP Funding.

Under the current SG budgetary constraints, opportunities for ring-fencing money year on year to spend on specific emissions reduction projects are limited. The primary route for achieving emissions reductions will be through building sustainability into spending decisions by considering the carbon impact of all major projects. As well as technical interventions, there are real savings to be made by strategic cultural changes across the organisation. Engaging with other policy areas may be the key to unlocking additional funding for low carbon projects and the overall effectiveness and success of this CMP.

Over the last decade, Facilities Services has funded work to improve our energy efficiency across the estate. Many of these improvements have been introduced as part of planned maintenance regimes or building refurbishment projects. In addition to this on-going estate work, over £1 million has been invested by the Energy Directorate in energy efficiency projects between 2011/12 and 12/13.

Table 5.1 - Estimated lifetime carbon savings resulting from Tranche 1 & 2 funding.

Estimated lifetime savings (tonnes CO 2e) Tranche 1 Tranche 2
Gas 925 421
Electricity 2,124 4,850
Total 3,049 4,515

Changing the way services are delivered

Building on existing relationships between Energy, ISIS ( IT), Climate Change and Property areas and continuing to develop cross - policy working to ensure the low carbon agenda is introduced throughout the SG is the key to unlocking the full carbon reduction potential. Other key policy areas such as Behaviour Change, HR, Environment, Built Environment, Procurement and Transport Scotland also have a role in helping to improve our estate performance and promoting sustainability.

There are also savings to be made through raising staff awareness on how to make more efficient use of the facilities provided. The SG is reviewing the way it encourages environmental behaviour change amongst its staff. It is currently researching different models using the "Better Business: How to go greener with staff to improve performance" guidance. Technical improvements will be complemented by behaviour change initiatives as we work alongside contractors and colleagues to ensure our operations can be delivered in the most sustainable and efficient fashion.

A new Facilities Management contract was awarded in 2012, which can be called upon by other eligible SG agencies and NDPBs. This contract will drive further operational improvements in building management, cleaning, space utilisation and property data collection. In addition, other contracts are in place to provide efficient and sustainable catering, and waste recycling services at major sites, where it is economical to do so.

Sustainable Construction - Future SG estate projects will be undertaken using the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Ska Rating assessment scheme, devised to manage office refurbishment projects using sustainable best practice procedures. In the case of new-build construction projects, we will continue to aspire to the best environmental rating we can achieve in particular circumstances, but accept that in some localities and property markets the best available option may not be a Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method ( BREEAM) "excellent" rating.

Sustainable Travel - During 2010/11, we reviewed our Travel Plan and developed a more strategic document which aligned Travel with both the Carbon Management Plan and Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.

The SG Travel Strategy includes a travel hierarchy that encourages staff to avoid travelling where possible, through the use of video conferencing, and promotes walking, cycling and the use of public transport . Air travel within the UK should only be undertaken as a last resort . As part of our commute to work initiatives the SG offers salary sacrifice schemes for the purchase of bus and train season tickets and the purchase of bicycles. There is also a car sharing scheme and staff are encouraged to share taxis, where possible.

Transport - The SG aims to reduce the average vehicle CO 2 level to below 130 g/km, as cited in the UK "Meeting the Energy Challenge" Energy White Paper. This aim was published in September 2011. Currently, the SG vehicle fleet replenishment policy is to consider a replacement when a vehicle has reached 80,000 miles or six years of age. The replacement decision depends on the condition and history of the vehicle. The replacement vehicle must be fit for purpose and offer a significantly lower CO 2 output than the vehicle being replaced.

Our procurement policies and strategy ensures good procurement is sustainable procurement and will contribute to more and better employment opportunities for our citizens and to a reduction in the impact of our consumption and production. The Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan (2009) encourages organisations to commit to sustainable procurement.

Table 5.2 - CMP Action Plan.

No. CMP Aim Action Owner Priority Timing
1 Adopt a strategic approach to managing the CMP. Revive the CMP reporting structure to inform & engage senior management. RB+ CMT High On-going
2 Set a corporate goal to enable SG to reduce its estate footprint and support climate change targets. Include the implementation of CMP as an objective in the annual HROD Divisional Business Plan. CMT High Annual
3 Investigate all potential internal and external funding support for CMP activities. Broker meetings with key Directors and contractors to discuss joint funding options. CMT High On-going
4 Secure year on year funding to implement CMP projects. (secure, allocate & approve) Develop a 7 year funding strategy to Implement the CMP measures. CMT High Annual
5 Continue to monitor SG carbon footprint against CMP emission reduction targets. Adopt the CMPR modelling tool to inform SOSG quarterly updates and annual reduction target forecasts. CMT High On-going
6 Track CMP progress and footprint performance. Update the CMP Register to record project outcomes and BAU changes. (actual carbon/cost/implement date) CMT High Quarterly
7 Replenish the CMP register with new carbon reduction policies and measures. Invite staff, contractors, the CM Team and SOSG managers to identify further carbon reduction measures. CMT High Quarterly
8 Optimise carbon reductions by reviewing CMP travel and transport policy/strategy. Liaise with Transport Scotland staff to consider adopting further sustainable business travel and transport policies. CMT High Bi-Annual
9 Engage all SG Directorates to deliver carbon reductions through behaviour change. Work collaboratively with MITIE and Corporate Comms to develop an effective staff awareness campaign. CMT High On-going
10 Establish bespoke CMPR training for FS/ MITIE staff. Connect to the Resource Efficiency Scotland support programme. CMT High Now
11 Enable the best projects to be selected for CMP deployment. Develop a project priority system using the CMPR tool to selected the best VFM projects for deployment. CMT Medium On-going
12 Ensure cross-policy working with other Directorates to develop and introduce low carbon policies and measures. Encourage members of the SOSG and Resources Board to identify, support and implement wider corporate carbon reductions. CMT + RB Medium On-going
13 Embed low carbon/sustainable policy into future SG contracts to deliver corporate benefits. Liaise with Procurement staff to review tender specifications and assessment criteria to deliver improved carbon performance. CMT Medium On-going
14 Agree the CMP waste & water reduction targets for the estate Consider baseline data and adopt new reduction targets as outlined on page 23 in line with new waste recycling and water conservation practices. CMT Medium Now
15 Review Marine Scotland research and surveillance operations. Work with MS to consider fleet fuel usage and future footprint reductions. CMT Medium On-going
16 Review FS/ MITIE data collection procedures to produce accessible & accurate reporting information. Undertake a data mapping exercise and develop a data handling strategy. CMT Medium On-going
No. CMP Aim Action Owner Priority Timing
17 Standardise carbon emissions data to align with SG reporting obligations. Review emission source data and SG reporting criteria. CMT Medium On-going
18 Develop Case Studies from successful pilot projects. Use Case Studies to engage staff and replicate best practice projects across the estate CMT Low Bi-Annual
19 Use the SG self- assessment ratings to improve FS policy and procedures. Focus corrective action on all CMAT categories with a rating of 25% or less CMT Low On-going
20 Annually review the CMAT ratings for SG. Undertake a self- assessment workshop to evaluate CMP progress. CMT Low Annual
21 Improve the resilience of CMP operations and management. Develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures for CMP tasks. CMT Low On-going
22 Standardise SG environmental performance reporting. Update GOLSPIE site and publish CMP + relevant environmental info. CMT Low Quarterly
23 Review the Scottish Government 2013 CMP. Refresh the CMP to take account of BAU policy & footprint changes. CMT Low Mar 2016

CMP Standard Operating Procedures

We aim to develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs) for key CMP activities, to enable robust and resilient management of the CMP. SOPs will be developed by Facilities Services and MITIE staff to clearly define the steps involved to undertake the following activities: Reporting the SG annual carbon footprint; Updating the Carbon Management Project Register ; CMP Funding; CMP Management; and CMP Implementation.

Setting out SOPs for these key CMP activities will clarify the relevant staff roles and responsibilities for specific CMP tasks to be implemented. When introduced in practice, the SOPs will help facilitate the continuity of business operations in the event of future staff changes within Facilities Services and/or MITIE.


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