
Scottish Forestry - corporate plan: consultation analysis

Results of the consultation on the draft corporate plan for Scottish Forestry, which lays out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the next three years, the proposed purpose and role, and the three strategic objectives that will frame the delivery of Scottish Forestry’s work.

The Consultation

An online four week public consultation began on 8 January 2020. The purpose of this consultation was to seek the views of anyone with an interest in the policy, support and regulation that underpins forestry in Scotland.

The draft plan was published on the Scottish Government Publication page together with a link to the consultation questionnaire hosted on the Citizens Space portal. The consultation questionnaire typically asked respondents to indicate how strongly they agreed/disagreed with the provision in the plan (tick box) and then invited further feedback. The questions covered:

  • Introduction to SF
  • Our purpose
  • Each of the three strategic objectives and their priorities and activities
  • Performance
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Any final comments.

All views received helped us to test and further refine the draft plan before publication in June 2020.

Consultation response

Table 1: Consultation response
Individuals 32
Organisations 23
Total 55

In total, 55 responses were received.

The organisations responding comprised:

  • Public bodies and agencies: national, local, partnerships
  • Representative and special interest groups: professional/commercial, sports and recreation, environmental/conservation
  • Charities: mainly conservation/environmental/heritage, but also sport/wellbeing
Table 2: Responses to each question
Role of Scottish Forestry 50 Strategic Objective 2 47
Purpose 49 Strategic Objective 2 - Priorities 48
Strategic Objective 1 50 Strategic Objective 2 - Activities 46
Strategic Objective 2 45 Performance
Strategic Objective 2 - Priorities 44 Equality and Diversity
Strategic Objective 2 - Activities 43 Other Comments
Base 55 Base 55



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