
Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey: 2019

Official statistics release covering the key statistics in the Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey (EPS) 2019.


1. The last UK-wide EPS was carried out in 2016, principally commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE). Earlier editions of the UK-wide EPS were principally commissioned by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES).

2. See methodology section of this release for further information on what is meant by the terms ‘owners’ and ‘working proprietors’.

3. 2019 is the first year that the EPS has been published as Official Statistics. EPS 2014 and 2016 figures referred to in this document are available on the UK Government website:

4. This question was only asked to those who had already been in business for 12 months or longer to prevent start-ups, who would be more likely to have grown during this period, from skewing the results.

5. External resources include methods like ‘paid for recruitment scheme’ and ‘school, college or university jobs fairs or careers services’.

6. This is equivalent to National 4 or 5, or to the historical qualifications Standard Grade General or Credit.

7. ‘Positive action’ is where a candidate with a specific protected characteristic is chosen over other equally qualified candidates because that characteristic is under-represented in the workplace. Positive action is enabled by Equality Act (2010):

8. ‘Blind or no name’ recruitment is where irrelevant information such as names are left off CVs to help avoid unconscious bias.

9. For further discussion on the legislation surrounding the Gender Pay Gap, see the note in the background.

10. This include work placements for people at school, college and university; internships (either paid or unpaid); those targeted at giving work experience to the unemployed; and work trials for new recruits; and ‘other’ work placements.

11. See Background section for further details of work placements and work inspiration.

12. The survey cannot tell us whether the DYW Regional groups are effectively encouraging the provision of work inspiration activities or whether it is simply that the sorts of employers engaging with the DYW Regional Groups tend to be more likely to offer these activities anyway.

13. For example, to increase training provision for the workforce, through shared resources to fund courses or through working collaboratively to develop training policies or programmes for the industry or region.

14. The survey cannot tell us whether the DYW Regional Groups are effectively encouraging the collaboration or whether it is simply that the sorts of employers engaging with the DYW Regional Groups tend to be more collaborative anyway.

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