
Scottish Asylum Right to Work Proposal

The proposal delivers on a commitment from the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024, and sets out a design for a potential pilot scheme which would enable those seeking asylum to work in Scotland, and seeks to trial a number of changes to current UK policy.

5. Conclusion

The design of this pilot proposal has been shaped by stakeholders’ and Scottish Ministers’ desire to see a humane, principled approach to asylum right to work in the UK. We have worked closely with a range of partners including local authorities, employers and the third sector to develop a model which is aimed at supporting individuals and facilitating improved opportunities for integration.

The pilot proposal seeks to trial a range of changes to the current system; this includes allowing pilot participants awaiting a decision on their asylum claim to work from six months rather than twelve, to no longer be restricted to roles on the Immigration Salary List, and to be supported by a flexible, wrap-around provision of support such as employability and language learning.

Delivering this package of support will be crucial, as we know that employment pathways for those seeking asylum – in addition to their individual support needs – are complex. However, through this bespoke and wrap-around provision it is intended that the proposed pilot will achieve a range of positive outcomes and ensure that pilot participants have the best possible chance to find, and stay in, secure employment.

Based on the evidence we have considered, the Scottish Government firmly believes that giving people seeking asylum the right to work from an earlier point has the power to be transformative in terms of their integration and self-agency, and their ability to support themselves and their families; leading to longer-term benefits for our economy and reduced demand on our public services. We have been clear that we would carefully monitor and evaluate the delivery of this proposed pilot, to capture and share any lessons learned and to build the evidence base to inform broader future policy change.

This pilot proposal also identifies a range of areas in which the Scottish Government would look to engage and collaborate with the UK Government in order to agree specific parameters for delivering the prospective pilot, and to ensure it can feasibly be delivered within the current UK policy framework. We ask the UK Government to review this pilot proposal and to engage further with the Scottish Government and partners to develop and deliver this proposed pilot.



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