
Scottish Asylum Right to Work Proposal

The proposal delivers on a commitment from the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024, and sets out a design for a potential pilot scheme which would enable those seeking asylum to work in Scotland, and seeks to trial a number of changes to current UK policy.

6. Reference List

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration and All-Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty (2024) The Effects of UK Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Policy on Poverty

European Union (2024) Directive (EU) 2024/1346 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 May 2024

Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population (2023) Asylum Seekers - extending the right to work: evaluation, analysis, and policy options

Migration Advisory Committee (2021) Annual Report

National Institute for Economic and Social Research (2023) The Economic and Social Impacts of Lifting Work Restrictions on People Seeking Asylum

Scottish Government (2021) A Scotland for the future: opportunities and challenges of Scotland's changing population

UK Parliament (2024) Written question UIN 10285

UK Parliament (2022) Asylum Seeker Employment and the Cost of Living - Hansard

Watts, B, McMordie, L, Bramley, G, Sims, R, Young, G & Rayment, M 2024, Destitution by Design: righting the wrongs of UK immigration policy in Scotland. Heriot-Watt University.



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