Learning estate strategy

The Learning Estate Strategy and its guiding principles provide a platform for investment in the learning estate across Scotland and set out our strategic approach for managing the learning estate.

Next Steps

The principles set out in this strategy will be used to shape the future context of joined up investment planning and prioritisation across the learning estate and localities.

There is also a recognition of the importance of linking this strategy to other developing estate strategies across the wider public sector and to the work of the planning review.

By considering the whole system and all its partners when making investment decisions, by adopting more consistent principles, criteria and prioritisation approaches, and by creating a new learning estate culture, we will better enable the joint delivery of improved outcomes.

Ensuring projects form part of sustainable estates which can be maintained in the longer term and make best use of capacity is key to ensuring the long-term impact of the investment and mitigating against any future deterioration.

Organisations responsible for the learning estate should consider the key objectives and guiding principles outlined in this strategy. By working in collaboration with other partners we can collectively explore how we can work together towards a common goal, consider new options and develop new approaches to teaching and learning which improve opportunities and outcomes for our learners. Future investment proposals should be set in the context of this strategy.

Scottish Government and its delivery partners, SFT and SFC, supported by A+DS, are committed to working with local authorities and other learning estate providers to support development work.


Email: Matthew.Rennie@gov.scot

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