Scotland's forestry strategy 2019-2029: SEA post adoption statement

Ways in which the findings of the initial strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and the views expressed by consultees have been taken into account within Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.

9 Monitoring

9.1.1 Section 19 of the 2005 Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act requires the Responsible Authority to monitor significant environmental impacts arising as a result of the implementation of the plan, programme or strategy. The purpose of the monitoring is to identify any unforeseen adverse effects at an early stage and to enable appropriate remedial action to be taken.

9.1.2 Due to the range of indicators that were suggested in the consultation responses and the importance of identifying the correct indicators to measure progress and the economic, environmental and social impact of the Strategy, the Scottish Government have committed to producing an implementation, monitoring and reporting framework within 12 months of laying the Strategy in parliament. This will include key delivery milestones, a set of indicators to enable us to monitor the delivery of the Strategy's objectives, and a reporting schedule that will include the dates for publication of the statutorily required 3-yearly progress reports. The Scottish Government have also committed to establishing a national stakeholder group to advise on, and support the implementation of the Forestry Strategy. The requirements of the 2005 Act will be fully incorporated into the monitoring framework and all relevant comments received will be considered.


Email: Bob Frost

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