Scotland's forestry strategy 2019-2029: SEA post adoption statement

Ways in which the findings of the initial strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and the views expressed by consultees have been taken into account within Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.

5 How the opinions expressed have been taken into account

5.1.1 The Environmental Report was issued for consultation alongside the draft strategy and views were invited on 17 questions. 10 questions related to the draft strategy, five to the Environmental Report and two questions related to other statutory impact assessments.

5.1.2 The consultation received 442 responses from 102 organisations and 340 individuals. Of the individual responses, 216 were identical and generated as part of a campaign led by Woodland Trust Scotland. Respondents from organisations included membership representative bodies, businesses, campaign groups, charities, research institutions and public sector bodies, including the three SEA Consultation Authorities (HES, SEPA and SNH).

5.1.3 Roughly a quarter of consultation participants (114 out of 442 participants) responded to one or more of the five questions which invited views specifically on the SEA Environmental Report. Of those 114 responses, 70 were received from individuals and 44 from organisations (including the SEA Consultation Authorities), with around half of this group (55 respondents) offering substantive comments and the remainder providing only responses to one or both of the yes / no questions on the SEA.

5.1.4 Following the public consultation, the draft strategy was updated, taking into account the findings of the Environmental Report and the views expressed during the consultation, as well as to reflect developments since the draft was published in September 2018.


Email: Bob Frost

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