Scotland's Environment and Economy Leaders' Group - Tackling the climate emergency and sharing our stories

Tackling the climate emergency and sharing our stories sets out commitments and ambitious action plans from Scotland's Environment and Economy Leaders' Group.

1. CEO Ambition Statement

We have a clear picture of the crises that we, our climate and the natural world are facing. There is an urgent need for a step change in action and ambition. All our organisations play a role in supporting Scotland's natural environment and environmental performance and we have a responsibility to lead on climate action. We have already shown strong leadership, with some of our organisations demonstrating emission cuts of 50-60% over the last few years. But we need to do more, and more quickly. That is why we are committed to leading the public sector in Scotland to accelerate action over the crucial, next decade.

Our ambition

We are committed to a decade of deep decarbonisation. By 2030, we will make a major shift to become predominantly net zero emissions organisations, and will strongly support Scotland's programme to tackle climate change.[1] Getting there will be challenging, but we will be much better equipped to meet those challenges if we work together. Our path will be a just transition and will be grounded in long-term planning, collaboration and engagement, and consideration of the equity of the impacts of the action we take. We will be guided by the following commitments:

1. Focus on emissions reduction

We will do all we can to reduce our direct and indirect emissions to as close to zero as we can, as soon as we can. Since 2011, Scotland's public bodies have been legally required to contribute to national emissions reduction targets and Scotland's Adaptation Programme. Consultation in 2019 showed strong support for public bodies being required to set targets for when they will achieve zero direct emissions and for reduced indirect emissions. Under a Programme for Government commitment, our legal obligations were strengthened in November 2020 by an Order which requires public bodies to provide, where applicable, a target date for achieving zero direct emissions, or such other targets that demonstrate how the body is contributing to Scotland achieving its emissions reduction targets, and, where applicable, targets for reducing indirect emissions. We will meet our new legal obligations and minimise emissions associated with our own operations. We will maximise the wider positive influence we have, and we will only use offsetting for truly unavoidable emissions.

2. Tackle our whole environmental footprint

We will act on our indirect emissions, whether in Scotland or abroad, to ensure that we are genuinely reducing the environmental impact of our activities. As responsible global citizens, our plans cannot be about shifting carbon elsewhere.

3. Use best evidence

We will take the most ambitious action possible by keeping our targets under review as new evidence and climate solutions are found. Our work will be underpinned by a clear understanding of existing emissions and will be monitored to ensure progress towards targets is made.

4. Work collectively, share successes and build expertise

We will share our lessons and stand ready to support others. We will help to build a coalition of public service leaders to drive collective public sector action through the Scottish Leaders Forum and its Climate Emergency Action Group. This group is being supported by Sustainable Scotland Network under its new strategy. Participatory "learning by doing" is at the heart of a just transition approach.

5. Ensure that our climate action delivers wider benefits

We will ensure that our plans are in line with a just transition and support a green recovery from Covid-19, building on Scotland's economic workforce strengths and potential. We will assess the risks and take action to adapt to the impacts of climate change and support Scotland's national Adaptation Programme. The creation and ongoing management of nature-based solutions is a significant opportunity.



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