Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.


As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all UNCRC requirements, what is the potential overall impact of this proposal on children’s rights?

No impact at this stage, subject to further development of measures.

If you have identified a positive impact on children’s rights, please describe below how the proposal will protect, respect, and fulfil children’s rights in Scotland.


If a negative impact has been identified please describe it below. Is there a risk this could potentially amount to an incompatibility?


Mitigation Record

What options have been considered to modify the proposal in order to mitigate a negative impact or potential incompatibility?


Please summarise mitigation actions taken below

Issue or risk identified and relevant UNCRC requirement


Action Taken/ To Be Taken


Date action to be taken or was taken


As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all wellbeing indicators, will the proposal contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people in Scotland?

Safe: Not Applicable

Healthy: Yes

Achieving: Yes

Nurtured: Not Applicable

Active: Not Applicable

Respected: Not Applicable

Responsible: Yes

Included: Yes

If yes, please provide an explanation below:

There is some evidence to suggest that the actions and policies contained within the Route Map have the potential to be advantageous to children and young people’s wellbeing. This applies to the following wellbeing indicators: Healthy, Achieving, Responsible and Included. Please see question 2 for more on the potential impacts from specific measures, which will be dependent on the implementation of those measures.

How will you communicate to children and young people the impact that the proposal will have on their rights?

We are not publishing a child-friendly CRWIA, however we have developed child-friendly graphics for the Route Map itself to aid communication for the Route Map’s key actions.



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