Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.
Analysis of Evidence
Based on screening, at this stage we do not anticipate specific impacts from the publication of the Route Map on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people. However, as set out at question 2, while the publication of the CEWRM will not in itself result in impacts on the rights of children and young people, the screening exercise undertaken has identified that there is potential for impact once the interventions are implemented. The specific relevant proposals relating to the relevant Articles of the UNCRC are listed at question 2. Overall it is our assessment at this stage that these impacts are likely to be positive. However, given the detail of specific measures has not been defined yet, further CRWIAs may be required for the measures listed.
It is worth noting that age is a protected characteristic, and evidence highlighted through the CRWIA and EQIA processes for this Route Map and for specific measures may be relevant. Potential impacts related to the age protected characteristic highlighted from the Route Map’s EQIA include potential indirect impacts related to charges (for single-use items), fines and penalties, and the risk that rurality might exacerbate this. Where issues are identified as specific policies are developed, appropriate impact assessments will be undertaken.
What changes (if any) have been made to the proposal as a result of this assessment?
No changes have been made. However, the findings will inform the development of specific measures across the Route Map, as outlined above, and will provide the basis for further detailed CRWIAs where required.
The Scottish Government reiterates its commitment to work in partnership with stakeholders to assess the full impacts of specific measures as they are further defined. Further detailed CRWIAs and EQIAs will be carried out, as appropriate, as specific interventions are being considered and developed further. This will allow for more detailed consideration of any issues specific to that intervention, and for recommendations to be made about any amendments or mitigating measures needed.
Similarly, the Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024 contains a series of enabling powers, which allows the Scottish Government to introduce secondary legislation. We anticipate that any direct positive or negative impact on this group would be taken into consideration as part of impact assessments during development of secondary legislation where appropriate.
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