Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) results for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.


36. There are two options against which the potential balance of costs and benefits are to be discussed. In reality, any mix of policy interventions could be implemented, which would result in different costs and benefits arising. However, the intention of this BRIA is to give a broad indication of scale of impacts with refined assessments made in forthcoming policy appraisal:

  • Option 1: Business-as-usual, or do-nothing approach. This would maintain the status quo, where the CEWRM strategic aims and corresponding interventions are not implemented.
  • Option 2: Implementation of the CEWRM.

37. Discussion of costs and benefits are structured by strategic aim, and is framed around the priority interventions, as stated in the CEWRM, with reference to further interventions which will facilitate, complement and amplify the impacts.

38. As the detail of the individual measures is subsequently developed, in line with the New Deal for Business for business-facing measures,[24] detailed analysis of the costs and benefits associated with specific interventions will be presented in separate impact assessments where appropriate, if and when associated strategies or regulations are being developed.



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