Scotland NCM software validation DSM and FI-SBEM software validation: guidance

Describes the methodology required for the validation of third party commercial Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) and Front Interface Simplified Building Energy Modelling (FI-SBEM) software packages.

4. Following Software Recommendation

At the end of the validation process, the scheme operator will issue a Validation Report to the Scottish Government. It will provide results from the validation process and a recommendation to either defer or approve the software. The Validation Report will be provided by the Scottish Government to the software vendor alongside the software approval decision.

If the software approval is deferred, the software vendor will be provided with the reasons for this decision which will be included in the Validation Report. The Scottish Government cannot guarantee that it will be possible to resubmit software that does not initially meet the required standards.

For software which successfully satisfy the validation requirements, the software vendor will be contacted to proceed with the necessary software version control management procedures. The related details will be included in the Validation Report for record. The Scottish Government will issue an Approval Letter to the software vendor to notify that their software has been approved.



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