
Do the Right Thing: children's rights progress report

A progress report on our response to the 2008 concluding observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

2 Promoting children's rights in the Scottish Government

What the Committee said:

"Child rights impact assessment should be regularly conducted to evaluate how the allocation of budget is proportionate to the realisation of policy developments and the implementation of legislation."

Progress to date

  • We continue to work with colleagues across Government to highlight the links between children's rights and key Scottish Government policies. Examples of where our approach to children's rights has been used to inform policy development include:
  • the ongoing implementation of the Scottish Government's Early Years Framework;
  • the development of Scotland's first Child Poverty Strategy;
  • the development of ' Getting it right for young carers' - our national strategy for young carers; and
  • ongoing work to implement a common core of the skills, knowledge and understanding, and values, every worker (paid or unpaid) should have as a minimum if they work with children, young people and families.

Next steps

  • Throughout the rest of 2012 and 2013, we will roll out a programme of awareness-raising and targeted training across Government, focussing specifically on children's rights. We will seek to engage the office of Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People, Together Scotland and UNICEF in the development of suitable resources to support this process.
  • Throughout the rest of 2012 we will work with partners, including those mentioned above, to develop a child rights impact assessment model for use within the Scottish Government.


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