
Do the Right Thing: children's rights progress report

A progress report on our response to the 2008 concluding observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

10 Young carers

Progress to date

  • Getting it right for young carers was published in July 2010. The Strategy acknowledges the vulnerability of young carers and will support us in securing better outcomes for those children and young people.
  • From August 2012 education authorities have agreed to ask their schools to start recording which of their pupils are young carers. This information will be collected by the Scottish Government for the first time in our next annual census.
  • In June 2011 the Scottish Government launched and funded the national Young Carers mascots Eryc and Trayc. The characters are being used to support young carers to identify themselves.
  • A primary school toolkit was launched in December 2011. This helps primary school teachers to identify, support and signpost young carers to sources of help.
  • The Scottish Government has funded the Scottish Young Carers Service Alliance to employ a Scotland-wide mental health coordinator. The coordinator has produced self-help resources for young carers, and other resources for professionals to help develop coping strategies for young carers, and help them feel better about themselves.
  • For the past four years we have funded a Young Carers Festival. The festivals have given a total of around 2,000 young carers a short break and a chance to meet others in similar circumstances. As well as a break, and some extra support, it's somewhere their views will be heard, and a chance to influence policy-makers. It's also an opportunity for fun activities and play.

Next steps

  • Listening to what young carers told us at the fourth festival in 2011 we have agreed to pilot a young carer's authorisation card in six areas. This will allow young carers to get access to agreed information about the person they care for, to help them fulfil their role.
  • Young carers also told us they would like to see a fifth Young Carers Festival with an additional overnight stay. Listening to what young carers told us the Scottish Government will continue to fund the Young Carers Festival for a fifth year with an additional overnight stay.


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