
Cost of living - effects on debt: review of emerging evidence

This report considers the evidence on the effects of the cost of living crisis on problem debt in Scotland

10. References

1 Categorised as those not managing very well, having some financial difficulties or in deep financial trouble.

1 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

2 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

3 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt.

4 Glasgow Centre for Population Health (2018) The Public Health Implications of Rising Debt. Briefing Paper 54.

5 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

6 Francis-Devine B. Household debt: statistics and impact on economy. House of Commons Library. 2024.

7 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

8 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

9 Glasgow Centre for Population Health (2018) The Public Health Implications of Rising Debt. Briefing Paper 54.

10 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt. January 2022.

11 Murray T, Bond N. Debts and despair. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. 2024.

12 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

13 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

14 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

15 Clare Lally (2024) Consumer debt and mental health. UK Parliament POST.

16 Yilmazer T, DeVaney SA. Household debt over the life cycle. Financial Services Review 2005;14(4):28 in Glasgow Centre for Population Health (2018) The Public Health Implications of Rising Debt. Briefing Paper 54.

17 Bank of England (2020). What do I need to know about debt? Bank of England.

18 Francis-Devine B. Household debt: statistics and impact on economy. House of Commons Library. 2024.

19 Which differs according to where you live in the UK, see here.

20 StepChange. Priority Debts & Which Bills To Pay First.

21 StepChange. Priority Debts & Which Bills To Pay First.

22 Scottish Government (2022) The Cost of Living Crisis in Scotland: An Analytical Report.

23 The monthly repayments are determined by people’s level of income and are so are also excluded from the calculation of problem debt in household debt statistics. In Francis-Devine B. Household debt: statistics and impact on economy. House of Commons Library. 2024.

24 Citizens Advice (2023) Cost-of-living data trends..

25 The £2.6 billion figure relates to debt and arrears over 90 days.

26 Ofgem (2023) Ofgem explores options amid rising consumer debt

27 Ofgem (2024) Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market – a Call for Input

28 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

29 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

30 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

31 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

32 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

33 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

34 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

35 Citizens Advice Scotland (2024) These levels of energy debt are not normal and need action

36 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

37 Ofgem (2024) Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market – a Call for Input

38 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

39 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

40 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

41 Rise in council tax arrears in Scotland. Research. StepChange

42 Ofgem (June 2024) Debt and Arrears Indicators.

43 Bolton, P (2024) Gas and electricity prices during the 'energy crisis' and beyond. House of Commons Library.

44 Fiona Rasanga, Tina Harrison, Raffaella Calabrese, ‘Measuring the energy poverty premium in Great Britain and identifying its main drivers based on longitudinal household survey data’, Energy Economics, Volume 136, 2024, 107726, ISSN 0140-9883, House of Commons Library. 07726.

45 Ofgem (2024) Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market – a Call for Input

46 Adcock, A., Bolton, P., Mawhood, B., Sutherland, N. (2022) Self-Disconnection of pre-payment meters. House of Commons Library.

47 Adcock, A., Bolton, P., Mawhood, B., Sutherland, N. (2022) Self-Disconnection of pre-payment meters. House of Commons Library.

48 Scottish Government (2022) The Cost of Living Crisis in Scotland: An Analytical Report.

49 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

50 The definition of energy debt used in this research is broader than the definition used by Ofgem and includes consumers who are behind on bills, or who owe money to someone other than their energy supplier as a result of borrowing to pay energy costs.

51 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

52 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

53 Treanor, M. (2022) Universal Credit deductions for households with children by Scottish local authority. A report on Freedom of Information requests. Aberlour.

54 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

55 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

56 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

57 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

58 Citizens Advice caveat their figures on household bill and public sector debt in their report ‘Debt time bomb’, explaining that the figures used are estimates and conservative ones, due to government and utility regulators not collecting / publishing comprehensive data on debt.

59 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

60 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

61 CAS Network Data, September 2024

62 Improvement Service (2019) Collaborative Council Tax Collection.

63 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

64 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

65 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

66 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

67 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

68 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

69 Scottish Government (2022) Council Tax collection statistics: 2021-2022

70 Scottish Government (2022) Council Tax collection statistics: 2021-2022

71 Centre for Social Justice (2024) Still Collecting Dust.

72 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

73 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

74 Unpublished data provided by Joseph Rowntree Foundation from the May 2024 cost of living tracker: Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker.

75 Centre for Social Justice (2024) Still Collecting Dust.

76 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data..

77 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data..

78 Rise in council tax arrears in Scotland. Research. StepChange

79 Centre for Social Justice (2024) Still Collecting Dust.

80 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

81 Centre for Social Justice (2024) Still Collecting Dust.

82 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data.

83 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

84 StepChange (July 2024) Rise in council tax arrears in Scotland.

85 StepChange (July 2024) Rise in council tax arrears in Scotland.

86 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

87 Citizens Advice (2023) The welfare debt trap: Adjusting the level and priority of deductions from benefits to prevent hardship.

88 Manage deductions from your benefits to pay debts and bills - GOV.UK (

89 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

90 Citizens Advice (2023) The welfare debt trap: Adjusting the level and priority of deductions from benefits to prevent hardship.

91 Fitzpatrick, S., Bramley, G., Brekinsopp, J., Wood, J., Sosenko, F., Littlewood, M., Johnsen, S., Watts, B., Treanor, M., & McIntyre, J. (2020). Destitution in the UK 2020. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

92 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

93 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

94 Treanor, M. (2022) Universal Credit deductions for households with children by Scottish local authority. A report on Freedom of Information requests. Aberlour.

95 Written Question 156979. Asked March 2023. Available at in Citizens Advice (2023) The welfare debt trap: Adjusting the level and priority of deductions from benefits to prevent hardship.

96 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

97 aberlour-qualitative-report.pdf

98 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery. .

99 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

100 Citizens Advice (2023) The welfare debt trap: Adjusting the level and priority of deductions from benefits to prevent hardship.

101 Fitzpatrick, S., Bramley, G., Treanor, M., Blenkinsopp, J., McIntyre, J., Johnsen, S., & McMordie, L. (2023). Destitution in the UK 2023 [full report]. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

102 Birt, C., Cebula, C., Evans, J., Hay, D., McKenzie, A. (2024) Poverty in Scotland 2024. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Poverty in Scotland 2024 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (

103 Trussell (2024) The cost of hunger and hardship: Interim report.

104 Trussell (2024) The cost of hunger and hardship: Interim report.

105 Money Advice Trust (2020) Levelling up: The case for reforming government debt collection.

106 StepChange (2018) Briefing on third party deductions.

107 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

108 Aberlour (2023) Blog: What does it say about a society that allows school meal debt even to exist?

109 Treanor, M. (2022) Results of Freedom of Information request on school meal debt processes. Report for Aberlour Child Care Trust.

110 Aberlour (2022) Public Debt Publications

111 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

112 Treanor, M. (2022) Results of Freedom of Information request on school meal debt processes. Report for Aberlour Child Care Trust.

113 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

114 COSLA (2023) Good Practice Principles for School Meal Debt Management. COSLA.

115 Summary-of-School-Meal-Debt-processes-June-2022.pdf (

116 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

117 Aberlour (2023) ‘Aberlour and The Scottish Sun launch ‘Sort The School Debt’ campaign

118 Scottish Government (May 2024) Helping clear school meal debt.

119 More information can be found on the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Scotland Bill here.

120 Scottish Government (November 2022) Cost of Living Bill - Key Statistics.

121 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

122 StepChange (2024) Coping with cost-of-living pressures: Research among the UK general population. April 2024.

123 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

124 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

125 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our housing data.

126 Scottish Government (December 2024), Households in Scotland by housing tenure: Scottish Household Survey, 2023 and StatXplore

127 CAS Network Data, September 2024

128 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

129 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

130 Scottish Government (October 2024) Scottish Housing Market Review Q3 2024.

131 Scottish Government (October 2024) Scottish Housing Market Review Q3 2024.

132 Scottish Government (September 2024) Homelessness in Scotland: 2023-24.

133 StepChange provide a list of Consumer credit debt here.

134 Bank of England (2023). Household credit - a visual summary of our data. Bank of England.

135 Bank of England (2024). Money and Credit - July 2024.

136 Research carried out by YouGov on behalf of the Scottish Government; regular waves from March 2020; online survey with sample of c.1000 adults 18+ across Scotland at each wave; data weighted to be fully representative of all adults in Scotland (aged 18+).

137 There are generally 2 types of BNPL: the regulated type that’s usually interest free for the first 12-months and used to buy larger items like sofas, carpets or furniture. These are regulated products given consumers protection if something goes wrong. But some BNPL is unregulated. This is still interest free, but it's usually repaid in around 3-months and used to make smaller purchases (A to Z of financial terms | FCA)

138 Scottish Government (2024) Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables.

139 Consumer credit is defined here as credit cards, store cards, BNPL purchases, unauthorised overdrafts, loans, etc.

140 Murray T, Bond N. Debts and despair. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. 2024.

141 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

142 This yearbook collates statistics on clients who completed a full debt advice session for the first time, between January and December 2023

143 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

144 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

145 Financial Conduct Authority (2021) Financial Lives 2020 Survey: the impact of coronavirus.

146 Buy Now Pay Later. Payments & Debt Advice. StepChange

147 The Guardian (17 October 2024) New ‘buy now, pay later’ rules to protect UK shoppers from 2026. The Guardian.

148 FCA (2023) Financial Lives Survey 2022 – Product holding Appendix A details different customer characteristics per product in Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size

149 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size

150 Money and Pensions Service (2023) Buy Now Pay Later: A review of the market risks and trends.

151 Unpublished data provided by Joseph Rowntree Foundation from the May 2024 cost of living tracker: Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker.

152 Financial Conduct Authority (2023) Financial Lives Survey 2022 Spotlight 4.2 Deferred Payment Credit (p163)

153 Financial Conduct Authority (2024) Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

154 JRF include: credit cards (amount owed that can’t be repaid at the end of each month, not the maximum limit), personal loans from a bank or building society, overdrafts, money borrowed from family and friends, loans where personal items are put up as collateral in exchange for cash (such as pawnbrokers, cash converters, log-book loans), personal loans from an authorised doorstep or home credit lender, Buy Now Pay Later or Hire Purchase loans, personal loans from a payday lender, personal loan from an unlicensed lender (such as a loan shark), loans from a credit union, loans from catalogue credit.

155 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

156 T Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

157 Treanor, M. (2023) How public debt and arrears are experienced by low-income families.

158 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

159 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

160 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

161 Scottish Government (2024) Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables.

162 Aberlour (June 2023) New report highlights public debt pulls families further into poverty.

163 Fair4All Finance (2023) As one door closes: experiences of illegal money lending in an emerging cost of living crisis.

164 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt.

165 Accountant in Bankruptcy (October 2024) Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics: July to September 2024 (2024-25 Quarter 2)

166 Accountant in Bankruptcy (October 2024) Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics: July to September 2024 (2024-25 Quarter 2)

167 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

168 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

169 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size

170 Stone, J. Robinson, E. Blackwell, C. Padley, M. (2024) Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain – research for Christians Against Poverty

171 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

172 The FCA sets out in detail how it will regulate consumer credit, including payday lending, when it takes over responsibility in April 2014 | FCA

173 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

174 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

175 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

176 Unpublished data provided by Joseph Rowntree Foundation from the May 2024 cost of living tracker: Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

177 Stone, Juliet; Robinson, Elaine; Blackwell, Chloe; Padley, Matt (2024). Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain. Loughborough University. Report.

178 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

179 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size

180 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

181 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

182 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt.

183 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt.

184 Francis-Devine B. Household debt: statistics and impact on economy. House of Commons Library.

185 M Broome & J Leslie, Arrears fears: The distribution of UK household wealth and the impact on families, Resolution Foundation, July 2022

186 See section on types of debt for more on priority debt.

187 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

188 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

189 JRF cost of living tracker surveying UK households in the bottom 40% of incomes, carried out by Savanta

190 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

191 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt.

192 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt.

193 JRF cost of living tracker surveying UK households in the bottom 40% of incomes, carried out by Savanta

194 Centre for Social Justice (2022) Swimming with Sharks: Tackling illegal money lending in England.

195 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

196 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

197 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

198 Fair4All Finance (2023) As one door closes: experiences of illegal money lending in an emerging cost of living crisis.

199 Centre for Social Justice (2022) Swimming with Sharks: Tackling illegal money lending in England.

200 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size

201 This report included a 2,547-person, weighted Ipsos survey of 18-75 year olds in Great Britain.

202 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

203 Fair4All Finance (2024) Access to credit and illegal lending: The shape of the market is as important as the size.

204 Fair4All Finance (2023) As one door closes: experiences of illegal money lending in an emerging cost of living crisis

205 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

206 Centre for Social Justice (2022) Swimming with Sharks: Tackling illegal money lending in England.

207 Centre for Social Justice (2022) Swimming with Sharks: Tackling illegal money lending in England.

208 Centre for Social Justice (2022) Swimming with Sharks: Tackling illegal money lending in England.

209 Fair4All Finance (2023) As one door closes: experiences of illegal money lending in an emerging cost of living crisis.

210 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

211 Ofgem (2024) Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market – a Call for Input

212 Clare Lally (2024) Consumer debt and mental health. UK Parliament POST.

213 Clare Lally (2024) Consumer debt and mental health. UK Parliament POST.

214 Glasgow Centre for Population Health (2018) The Public Health Implications of Rising Debt. Briefing Paper 54.

215 StepChange (2022) Falling behind to keep up: the credit safety net and problem debt. January 2022.

216 Murray T, Bond N. Debts and despair. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. 2024.

217 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

218 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

219 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

220 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

221 Self-disconnection is when a PPM customer cannot afford to top-up their meter and so it ‘cuts out’, or when they do not realise that credit on the PPM is running out. (Adcock, A., Bolton, P., Mawhood, B., Sutherland, N. (2022) Self-Disconnection of pre-payment meters. House of Commons Library).

222 Ofgem (2024) Affordability and debt in the domestic retail market – a Call for Input

223 Ofgem (2020) Self-disconnection and self-rationing: decision.

224 Consumer Scotland (2024) Insights from latest Energy Affordability tracker: Causes and impact of energy debt.

225 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

226 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

227 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

228 Aberlour | How public debt and arrears are experienced by low-income families - Aberlour - Web Backend

229 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

230 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

231 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

232 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

233 Odamtten F, Pittaway S. In too deep? The impact of the cost of living crisis on household debt. Resolution Foundation. 2024

234 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

235 In Evans, J. (2020). Debts to public bodies: are Government debt collection practices outdated? London, House of Commons Library.

236 Aberlour | How public debt and arrears are experienced by low-income families - Aberlour - Web Backend

237 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

238 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

239 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

240 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

241 Citizens Advice (2023) Bailiffs behaving badly: stories from the frontline.

242 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

243 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

244 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

245 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

246 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2022) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing: September 2022.

247 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

248 Improvement Service (2019) Collaborative Council Tax Collection.

249 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt and Arrears in Scotland. Policy and Practice Development: Executive Summary. A report by Indigo House Group for the Robertson Trust.

250 Citizens Advice (2024) The Debt Protection Gap: identifying good practice and policy solutions to improve support for consumers in debt.

251 COSLA (2023) Good Practice Principles for School Meal Debt Management. COSLA.

252 Improvement Service (2019) Collaborative Council Tax Collection.

253 Scottish Parliament. (2022, May 19). Official Report of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee. Retrieved from

254 Murray T and Smith F. In the public interest? The psychological toll of local and national government debt collection practices. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. September 2024.

255 Treanor, M. (2022) Public debt literature review. Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University.

256 Citizens Advice (2024) The Debt Protection Gap: identifying good practice and policy solutions to improve support for consumers in debt.

257 The Robertson Trust (2023) Debt & Arrears in Scotland: Putting Money Owed to Public Bodies at the Forefront of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. A report by IPPR Scotland for the Robertson Trust.

258 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

259 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

260 NatCen (2023) Society Watch 2023: The Price We Pay - the social impact of the cost of living crisis.

261 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

262 StepChange (2024) Coping with cost-of-living pressures: Research among the UK general population. April 2024.

263 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

264 Financial Lives Survey, 2022, FCA in Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2024) UK Poverty 2024

265 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

266 Stone, Juliet; Robinson, Elaine; Blackwell, Chloe; Padley, Matt (2024). Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain. Loughborough University. Report.

267 M Broome & J Leslie, Arrears fears: The distribution of UK household wealth and the impact on families, Resolution Foundation, July 2022

268 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

269 Scottish Government (2024) Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables.

270 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

271 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster.

272 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

273 StepChange (2024) Coping with cost-of-living pressures: Research among the UK general population. April 2024..

274 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

275 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

276 Unpublished data provided by Joseph Rowntree Foundation from the May 2024 cost of living tracker: Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker.

277 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

278 NatCen (2023) Society Watch 2023: The Price We Pay - the social impact of the cost of living crisis.

279 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

280 CAS Network Data, September 2024

281 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

282 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster.

283 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

284 CAS Network Data, September 2024

285 although sample methodology differences between 2019 and 2023 may have an impact on this finding

286 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

287 Scottish Government (2024) Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables.

288 StepChange (2024) In Work. But Still In Debt. Client Insights Report. April 2024.

289 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

290 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

291 Over the last 3 waves combined

292 Scottish Government (2024) Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables.

293 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

294 Johnson-Hunter, M & Earwaker, R (2024) The scale of the challenge: JRF's pre-election cost of living tracker | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

295 Scottish Government (2022) The Cost of Living Crisis in Scotland: An Analytical Report.

296 JRF (18 January, 2022), Rising energy bills to 'devastate' poorest families | JRF

297 Scottish Government, National Performance Framework – Cost of living

298 Davis, A. Blackwell, C. Ellis, E. Padley, M. Stone, J. and Balchin, E. (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation ( [Accessed: 9 October 2024]

299 Stone, J. Robinson, E. Blackwell, C. Padley, M. (2024) Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain – research for Christians Against Poverty

300 Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2024) UK Poverty 2024

301 Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2024) UK Poverty 2024

302 Stone, J. Robinson, E. Blackwell, C. Padley, M. (2024) Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain – research for Christians Against Poverty

303 Hirsch et al, 2016 in Stone, J. Robinson, E. Blackwell, C. Padley, M. (2024) Debt, poverty and living standards in Great Britain – research for Christians Against Poverty

304 Christians Against Poverty (2024) Pushed under, pushed out: The link between debt, poverty and living standards. Summary briefing.

305 CAS Network Data, September 2024

306 Christians Against Poverty (May 2024) Under the rubble of debt and poverty: Removing the barriers that prevent us from living life to the full. Client report.

307 New Economics Foundation (5 May, 2022), Losing the inflation race.

308 Scottish Government (18 February, 2022), Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020.

309 Women’s Budget Group (2021) Household debt, gender and Covid-19.

310 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

311 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

312 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

313 CAS Network Data, September 2024

314 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

315 Money Advice Scotland (2024) Women and Debt: Addressing Gender Disparities in Debt in Scotland.

316 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

317 Financial Lives 2022: Key findings from the FCA’s Financial Lives May 2022 survey

318 Money Advice Scotland (2024) Women and Debt: Addressing Gender Disparities in Debt in Scotland.

319 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

320 The Poverty Alliance and Scottish Women’s Budget Group (2022) “It’s hard work being poor”: Women’s Experiences of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Scotland.

321 Scottish Women’s Budget Group (2023) Women's Survey 2023: Experiences of rising costs across Scotland.

322 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

323 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

324 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

325 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

326 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

327 StepChange (2023). Bearing the burden: Unravelling women’s debt dilemma.

328 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

329 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

330 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

331 Citizens Advice (2023) Too many people with mortgages are struggling in silence: Lenders need to offer proactive support. Published in We are Citizens Advice (2024)

332 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data.

333 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data.

334 Financial Conduct Authority (2024). Financial Lives cost of living (Jan 2024) recontact survey.

335 Christians Against Poverty (May 2024) Under the rubble of debt and poverty: Removing the barriers that prevent us from living life to the full. Client report.

336 MaPS makes changes to debt advice grants in response to increased complexity of client cases in community-based services | Money and Pensions Service

337 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

338 Let's save debt advice (

339 StepChange’s statistics yearbook reports on the number of clients across the UK who completed a full debt advice session, for the first time, between January and December 2023.

340 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

341 However, see report for change in methodology which means that the total number of clients completing a debt advice session in the year differs from figures reported in previous years.

342 Citizens Advice (2024) Spotlight on our debt data.

343 CAS Network data, September 2024

344 StepChange (2024) Monthly Client Data Report. April 2024.

345 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

346 StepChange (2024) Coping with cost-of-living pressures: Research among the UK general population. April 2024.

347 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

348 Citizens Advice (2024) The National Red Index: how to turn the tide on falling living standards.

349 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

350 Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

351 Data provided by MaPS for Scotland based on Money and Pensions Service (2024) The UK’s debt landscape in 2023.

352 Abigail Davis, Chloe Blackwell, Wolf Ellis, Matt Padley, Juliet Stone and Eleanor Balchin (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024 Joseph Rowntree Foundation

353 Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2024) UK Poverty 2024

354 Citizens Advice (2024) The National Red Index: how to turn the tide on falling living standards.

355 Francis-Devine B. Household debt: statistics and impact on economy. House of Commons Library.

356 Money Advice Scotland (2022) Cost of Living Report. December 2022.

357 Christians Against Poverty (May 2024) Under the rubble of debt and poverty: Removing the barriers that prevent us from living life to the full. Client report.

358 The Health Foundation (2022) Debt and health – Preventing ‘problem debt’ during the pandemic recovery.

359 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

360 Greenhall, A. (2023) Debt time bomb: countdown to a household debt disaster. We are Citizens Advice.

361 Money and Pensions Service (2023) Findings from call for evidence on debt advice clients with deficit budgets.

362 StepChange (2024) Statistics Yearbook: Personal debt in the UK January – December 2023.

363 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

364 StepChange (2024) In Work. But Still In Debt. Client Insights Report. April 2024.

365 Citizens Advice (2024) Cost of Living Dashboard.

366 Christians Against Poverty (May 2024) Under the rubble of debt and poverty: Removing the barriers that prevent us from living life to the full. Client report.

367 StepChange (2023) Scotland in the Red: A look at personal debt statistics in Scotland in 2023.

368 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2022) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing: September 2022.

369 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

370 Pieces of advice includes issues like; Difficulty making payments, Deposits, Direct deductions from benefit, Eviction for arrears, Liability for debt, Possession claim for arrears etc.

371 Citizens Advice Scotland (May 2024) Monthly data report on advice sought from the Citizens Advice network May 2024

372 Money Advice Scotland (2022) Cost of Living Report. December 2022.

373 Poverty and Inequality Commission (2023) Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Briefing July 2023.

374 Institute of Money Advisers (2024). Casework requirements and workloads in the money advice sector.

375 Institute of Money Advisers (2024). Casework requirements and workloads in the money advice sector.

376 Bolton, P (2024) Gas and electricity prices during the 'energy crisis' and beyond. House of Commons Library

377 Office for National Statistics (2024) Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: household finances.



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