
Review of the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidlines for Scotland

The review evaluated knowledge of, and compliance with, the Alcohol Sponsorhsip Guidelines for Scotland, with a focus on identifying best practice and examining whether there is a need to enhance and improve the Guidelines to ensure they remain fit for purpose.

Appendix A - Phase One Mapping Exercise pro-forma

Research project: Review of the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland

Sponsorship activities form

Thank you for assisting with this research. Although you have been identified as the person to whom to send this form, it may be that you will have to enlist the help of colleagues to ensure all relevant sponsorships signed since 1 February 2009 and/or sponsorship activity that was signed before 1 February 2009 but are still active/ongoing are included.

When completing this form, please consider the following:

  • Sponsorship means the terms of an agreement or part of an agreement to support a live sporting or cultural product, event or activity, in return for which the sponsored party agrees to be associated with or promote the sponsor's brands
  • Only commercial sponsorship activities should be included; marketing and advertising activities should not be included, nor should local community support initiatives undertaken by the drinks industry e.g. by a village pub or local distillery
  • Include only Scottish sponsorship activities; sponsorship activities signed outwith Scotland should not be included
  • Include only sponsorships over the value of £5,000
  • Include only new sponsorships signed since 1 February 2009 and/or sponsorship activity that was signed before 1 February 2009 but are still active/ongoing
  • Please provide all relevant information at each question

Please return completed forms, by email, to by 5pm on Friday 23rd September



Q1. Overall, how much, if anything, would you say you know about the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland? (please type an 'x' next to the option that comes closest to your answer)

A great deal
A fair amount
Not very much
Heard of but know nothing at all about them
Never heard of them

Q2. How effective do you think the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland are in ensuring that alcohol sponsorship activities undertaken in Scotland promote responsible drinking? (please type an 'x' next to the option that comes closest to your answer)

Very effective
Fairly effective
Not very effective
Not at all effective
Don't know

Q3. How effective do you think the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland are in ensuring that alcohol sponsorship activities undertaken in Scotland promote diversionary/community activities? (please type an 'x' next to the option that comes closest to your answer)

Very effective
Fairly effective
Not very effective
Not at all effective
Don't know

Q4. If you could make one change to the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines to improve them, what would it be? (please type your answer in the box below)



Please refer to the guidance notes for completing this form and the example of a completed form (attached to the email from Ipsos MORI)

Over the next 3 pages we have included space to record details of 3 sponsorship activities. If you have more than 3 sponsorship activities to record, please copy and paste the table below as many times as necessary (instructions on how to do this are included in the guidance notes for completing this form (attached to the email from Ipsos MORI)

Sponsorship activity 1

Q1. Name of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q2. Industry segment of sponsoring brand (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select 'Other') Whisky
Q3. Target population of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q4. Name of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q5. Date(s) of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q6. Location of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q7. Target population of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q8. Type of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select 'Other' arts event' or 'Other') Music event
Other arts event
Sports event
Sports team/club
Q9. Type of sponsorship (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer) Main Subsidiary
Q10. Please provide details of sponsorship activities undertaken (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q11. Please provide details of any activities your organisation undertook to ensure adherence with the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland (please type your answer in the box to the right)

Sponsorship activity 2

Q1. Name of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q2. Industry segment of sponsoring brand (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select 'Other') Whisky
Q3. Target population of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q4. Name of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q5. Date(s) of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q6. Location of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q7. Target population of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q8. Type of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select either of the 'Other' options) Music event
Other arts event
Sports event
Sports team/club
Q9. Type of sponsorship (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer) Main
Q10. Please provide details of sponsorship activities undertaken (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q11. Please provide details of any activities your organisation undertook to ensure adherence with the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland (please type your answer in the box to the right)

Sponsorship activity 3

Q1. Name of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q2. Industry segment of sponsoring brand (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select 'Other') Whisky
Q3. Target population of sponsoring brand (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q4. Name of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q5. Date(s) of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team, or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q6. Location of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q7. Target population of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q8. Type of sponsored event, activity, initiative, team or brand etc. (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer and provide further detail if you select either of the 'Other' options) Music event
Other arts event
Sports event
Sports team/club
Q9. Type of sponsorship (please place an 'x' next to the appropriate answer) Main
Q10. Please provide details of sponsorship activities undertaken (please type your answer in the box to the right)
Q11. Please provide details of any activities your organisation undertook to ensure adherence with the Alcohol Sponsorship Guidelines for Scotland (please type your answer in the box to the right)

Thank you very much for completing this form.

Please return completed forms to by 5pm on Friday 23rd September


Email: Iain MacAllister

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