Report of the National Committee on Infant Cremation 2014-15

A formal report from the National Committee on its first year of progress against the 64 recommendations of the Infant Cremation Commission.

3. Progress Against Bonomy Recommendations

As of November 2015, the Committee, its Sub-Groups and its member organisations have fully completed 27 of the 64 recommendations, which equates to a 42% completion rate in one year.

A further 25 recommendations will be completed by the coming into force of what is currently the Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Bill, and/or its associated Regulations. Information on this Bill is contained in section 4 of this Report - i.e. 52 of the 64 recommendations, or 80% will be complete once the legislative process completes.

Of the remaining 12 recommendations, 5 are underway and/or planned for 2016, 3 are annually recurring and therefore not subject to a 'final completion' as such; 2 can only be commenced after the legislation is in place and a further 2 are expected to be progressed following the completion of the Dame Elish Investigation.

This represents substantive progress in one year, and suggests that all the Bonomy Recommendations, other than the recurring three, are likely to be fully completed within a relatively short time frame.

A worksheet setting out the status of each individual recommendation is at Annex A.


Email: SG Health Protection Team

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