
Regional employment patterns in Scotland: statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2016

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2016, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training.

Annex B: Using APS data

  • How data are displayed in Tables

In this publication, all levels are rounded to the nearest hundred (excluding estimates of NEET, which are rounded to the nearest thousand, due to small sample sizes). Proportions and changes in proportions over time are calculated on unrounded figures and are rounded to the first decimal place. Totals may not equal the sum of individual components due to rounding. All results are based on the area of residence unless otherwise stated.

* indicates data are suppressed as estimates are below the reliability threshold.

  • Data Access


We are currently working to make selected Scotland and local authority level Annual Population Survey data available free of charge from the Scottish Government's Open Access website:

The site also holds data from a wide range Scottish Government surveys.

Scottish Government

The Labour Market Statistics Branch at the Scottish Government publish data from the LFS and APS and other related surveys on their website -

Alternatively, tabulations are also available on request:

Labour Market Statistics Branch
Office of the Chief Economic Advisor: Economic Strategy and Policy
Scottish Government
3 rd Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay,
150 Broomielaw,
G2 8LU
Tel: (0131) 244 6773


APS data (including confidence limits) for the whole of the UK and other government office regions are available free of charge from the Nomis ® website -

The Nomis website also holds data on claimants of benefits, vacancies and employees.

UK Data Archive

APS micro data are available to users through the Data Archive at Essex University. Access to these data is through a 'Special Licence' scheme, which allows access to detailed data provided that the research use is fully described and strict conditions of access are adhered too. More detail is available on the Data Archive website -

Office for National Statistics

ONS publish monthly regional labour market statistical which includes a range of labour market indicators for local areas across the UK. The reports can be accessed on their website at:

Headline national and regional statistical bulletins are produced monthly (based on LFS data) and can be accessed from the ONS website at:


Email: Claire Gordon

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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