
Regional employment patterns in Scotland: statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2016

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2016, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training.

About this publication

The Annual Population Survey ( APS) is the primary source for information on local labour markets providing headline estimates on employment, unemployment and economic inactivity in Scotland. It combines results from the Labour Force Survey ( LFS) and the English, Welsh and Scottish Labour Force Survey boosts. The boosts increase the sample size, which means the APS can provide more robust labour market estimates for local areas compared to the main LFS. The Scottish Government funds the boost to the LFS sample in Scotland, taking the sample size from approximately 5,000 households each year to 17,000 households

This is the fourteenth publication of the series (known as Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland prior to 2016). It aims to provide reliable and up-to-date headline information for local area labour markets and covers employment, equality characteristics of those in employment, underemployment, inactivity and youth participation in the labour market within Scotland and its local authorities. Results are provided for the calendar years (January to December) 2004 to 2016, based on the data released by the Office for National Statistics ( ONS) on 16 March 2017. ONS also release rolling quaterly datasets covering the periods April-March, July-June and October-September. The data for these time periods have not been used or presented within this publication or associated tables. The data for these is available at:

This year's publication highlights the key statistics for Scotland's labour market from the APS as well as providing trends over time. The supporting data tables have also been updated to include a user selectable local area summary which allows a number of local authority areas to be easily compared across different indicators.


1. All statistics, charts and tables presented in this publication are sourced from the Annual Population Survey January-December datasets produced by the Office for National Statistics ( ONS).

2. Map data: © Crown copyright and database right 2012. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100024655

Supporting data for all indicators at local authority level are available in the publication web-tables


Email: Claire Gordon

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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