
Redress Scheme: information for organisations

Information for organisations considering participating in the Redress Scheme for survivors of historical abuse in care in Scotland.

Withdrawal from the scheme

It is our intention to work collaboratively with organisations to sustain participation in the scheme, where possible, should their financial circumstances change. Where a scheme contributor indicates that they will be unable to make the agreed contribution, we will work with that organisation as a matter of urgency to consider adjusting the payment schedule to allow that payment to be made.

If it is ultimately not possible for the organisation to make their fair and meaningful contribution in a way that is manageable and sustainable due to a change of financial circumstance, or for another unexpected reason, we will work with the organisation to manage their exit from the scheme.

Removal from the contributor list

If an organisation is to be removed from the contributor list, we will undertake a reconciliation exercise to establish if there are any waivers which have been signed by recipients of redress payments which are unsupported by the contribution from the organisation. If so the organisation will be offered the opportunity to provide that outstanding contribution.

If it is not possible to provide any outstanding contribution, then the contributor will be removed from the contributor list with retrospective effect. In these circumstances the Scottish Ministers must specify the date that retrospective removal takes effect. Any waivers signed by recipients of redress payments relating to redress applications decided by Redress Scotland after that date will no longer apply and the recipient will have their right to raise legal action against the organisation returned to them.

In either circumstance of removal, the date of removal will be added to the contributor list to ensure applicants and potential applicants remain informed of which organisations are included on the list at any particular time.

Breaching the principles

It is vital that all  have confidence in the Scotland’s redress scheme. Organisations can be removed from the contributor list if their actions breach the undertaking they have given to treat applicants and other relevant persons with dignity, respect and compassion, or to contradict the acknowledgement they made as to the wrongfulness of, and the harm caused by, the historical child abuse which took place in relevant care settings. 



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