Ready to Act: interim report on implementation and recommendations

Progress made so far on supporting allied health professions children and young people (AHP CYP) community and direction for 2018-2020.

4. Key indicators of success

“It can be so hard to get to appointments. It helped so much I could pop in to speak to you during my lunch break!”

The key performance indicators for the Starting Well AILP programme will be shared across AHP CYP services, with outcomes data gathered from four agreed pilot areas.

Improvement data to evidence impact of increased early intervention on access to service expertise will be gathered and reported monthly (see: Annex E. NHS Fife CYP Service Journey, 2007–2017).

AHP CYP services in Scotland will be delivering improvement-based change pilots relating to request for help/assistance and targeted intervention resourcing.

A small-scale evaluation of the place of activity of AHP CYP services in relation to the intergenerational cycle will be undertaken in Autumn 2018.

Work to support the developing Scottish Government report, Equity and Excellence for Scotland's Children and Young People: breaking the intergenerational cycle of speech, language and communication needs, will be undertaken in partnership with all agencies at local and national levels to ensure the development of a national approach to speech, language and communication in Scotland, tied into the Scottish Government CYP-IC Language Meets Literacy Practicum.

The National AHP Lead for CYP will continue to support local services to evidence implementation of the CYP programme's ambitions across Scotland through a high-profile presence with CYP leads, AHP directors and practitioners. As part of the work to create this interim report, appreciative enquiry sessions were facilitated by NES with the AHP CYP AILP Reference Group. The national lead role was highlighted at these sessions as pivotal to the ongoing transformational change process in AHP CYP services in Scotland.

AHP CYP leads, supported by AHP directors, will commit to the provision of evidence-based data to demonstrate success in transforming service delivery.

All AHP CYP services will review and update their board AHP CYP driver diagrams, supported by demonstrable evidence of impact and wellbeing change for CYP.

“Thank you very much for fixing my toe. It was bothering me for years.
P.S. The surgery wasn’t scary at all.”

Cameron (aged 12).


Email: Pauline Beirne

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