Broadband infrastructure in Scotland: public review

A public review to confirm eligible premises for public investment via Project Gigabit, which has an ambition to deliver nationwide gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible.

Annex D: Map to show intervention area

The map below is an image of our current draft intervention map, taking account of the IHCRD area. The postcode level data has also been published alongside this document.

Please note, following closure of the PR, a new version of this map and postcode lists will be produced and published based on the latest dataset issued with this PR (please see Annex A for details) and market feedback gathered during the PR process this is known as a PR Closure Notice.

Map showing the whole of Scotland. An area around Inverness is shown as out of scope – this relates to the Inverness and Highland City Regions Deal Gigabit procurement area. The rest of the map is coloured by postcode showing areas of Black, Grey, Under Review and White Gigabit classifications.



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