Psychological therapies and interventions specification: easy read summary

Easy read summary of the new national psychological therapies and interventions specification, setting out aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.

What is psychological care and practice?

‘Psychological Care’ is what professionals use to help you support your mental health. This includes for example, advice for healthy sleep, or talking with you about things that are upsetting.

Self-care resources may also help while you are waiting for more direct care. This is called ‘waiting well’. All psychological care should be accessible and suitable to your needs.

‘Psychological Practice’ means you get psychological help from someone who is trained to help you if you have more complex mental health needs. Psychological practice can be delivered in person, in groups and remotely and/or digitally.

You may have different needs at different times in your life. The type of help you need should be available to you if things change.

You should be supported to get help from the people or teams who can best meet your needs.



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