Psychological therapies and interventions specification: easy read summary

Easy read summary of the new national psychological therapies and interventions specification, setting out aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.


Psychological Therapies and Interventions are psychological treatments that can make your health better. They help you to change the way you think and behave. This can make you healthier and happier.

This document sets out our plans for making psychological therapies and interventions better for everyone in Scotland.

We asked for feedback from people who work in services and those who have used them. We made this plan based on what they told us.

This plan covers services offered by NHS staff who may work in Health and Social Care settings and hospitals. We want to work together with all services that deliver psychological therapies and interventions.

This plan is about making services better. They follow the vision of a Scotland where everyone is treated equally and has the right to the best mental health and wellbeing possible.

The plan is about:

Promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone.

Preventing mental health issues happening again or getting worse.

Providing mental health and wellbeing treatments and support.



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