
Water Industry - Scottish Government Investment Group - Committed List performance progress report: quarter two 2023-2024

Sets out how Scottish Water is progressing with the delivery of projects and programmes included on the ‘Committed List’ and confirms the position up to the end of September 2023 (Q2 2023/24).

Appendix A: Water Sub-Portfolios

The list of projects included in the sub-portfolios can be found by filtering the Committed List by column E.

Water SR15 Completion Projects

The overall IPOD points for the Water SR15 Completion sub-portfolio is below the target range at 83 points against a range of 96 to 99 for Q2 2023/24.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for all milestones against target range for SR15 Completion Projects in Water Portfolio

Start on Site

The SR15 completion sub-programme is within target range at time of commitment. 5 projects have now achieved this milestone, against a target range of 5.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Start on Site milestone against target range for SR15 Completion Projects in Water Portfolio


1 project (Ringford WTW) achieved acceptance during Q2, bringing the total number of completed projects delivering benefit to customers to 33 which is out with the target range of 39 to 40 points. 7 projects in the SR15 Completion sub-portfolio have been reforecast.

Reasons for reforecasting:

  • 3 projects have been impacted due to construction risks realised: Water Quality Improvement-Wick East DMA, Ayrshire Strategic Resilience, South Edinburgh Service Resilience
  • 2 projects have been impacted due to design issues: SR15 Staney Hill North - Q Sandy Loch WTW, SR15 ES - Uig WTW - SR15 WQ
  • 2 projects have been impacted due to third party issues: Yarrowfues WTW main-out 2019, Dalwhinnie WTW - TTU
Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Project Acceptance milestone against target range for SR15 Completion Projects in Water Portfolio
Project ID Description Reason For Reforecast Baseline Quarter Forecast Quarter
500509 South Edinburgh Service Resilience Construction risks realised 2021/22 Q2 2024/25 Q2
404135 Dalwhinnie WTW - TTU Third party issues 2022/23 Q4 2024/25 Q1
503595 Yarrowfues WTW main-out 2019 Third party issues 2021/22 Q4 2023/24 Q4
403994 SR15 ES - Uig WTW - SR15 WQ Design issues 2021/22 Q4 2023/24 Q3
500523 Ayrshire Strategic Resilience Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q2 2024/25 Q4
501001 SR15 Staney Hill North - Q Sandy Loch WTW Design issues 2022/23 Q4 2025/26 Q1
503336 Water Quality Improvement-Wick East DMA Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q3 2023/24 Q4
Total 7 projects behind

Financial Approval

No projects achieved financial completion during Q2, the total achieved remains at 45 which is out with the target range of 52 to 54 points. 7 in the SR15 Completion sub-portfolio have been reforecast.

Reasons for reforecasting:

  • 4 projects have been impacted due to construction risks realised: Water Quality Improvement-Wick East DMA, Ringford WTW, South Edinburgh Service Resilience, Fair Isle WTW – Quality.
  • 1 project has been impacted due to design issues: SR15 ES - Uig WTW - SR15 WQ
  • 2 projects have been impacted due to third party issues: Yarrowfues WTW main-out 2019, 500122 - Ness WTW.
Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Financial Completion milestone against target range for SR15 Completion Projects in Water Portfolio
Project ID Description Reason For Reforecast Baseline Quarter Forecast Quarter
502940 Fair Isle WTW - Quality Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q3
501418 500122 - Ness WTW Third party issues 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q3
500509 South Edinburgh Service Resilience Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q1 2024/25 Q4
503595 Yarrowfues WTW main-out 2019 Third party issues 2022/23 Q3 2024/25 Q2
403994 SR15 ES - Uig WTW - SR15 WQ Design issues 2022/23 Q3 2024/25 Q1
500246 Ringford WTW Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q4
503336 Water Quality Improvement-Wick East DMA Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 Q2
Total 7 projects behind

Water Quality

The overall IPOD points for the Water Quality sub-portfolio are below the target range at 114 points against a range of 121 to 149 points for Q2 2023/24.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for all milestones against target range for Water Quality Projects in Water Portfolio

Start on Site

5 projects started on site during Q2 bringing the total number of projects achieving the Start On Site milestone to 33 with performance being in the top half of the range of 27 to 36 points.

Projects starting on site in Q2: (SR21 ES Carron Valley WTW, Beasdale WTW UV Alterations, Glenconvinth WTW Filtration Enabling Works, Lomond Hills WTW Inspection of Leopold Floor RGF1, Mannofield WTW UV Installation)

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Start on Site milestone against target range for Water Quality Projects in Water Portfolio


4 projects (Kirkmichael WTW - CM, Stornoway WTW - Interim THM and Cryptosporidium measures, Chemical Dosing Programme - Phase 1 - Turriff WTW, SR21 Core WTW Pilots - Filter Columns) achieved acceptance during Q2, bringing the total number of completed projects delivering benefit to customers to 41 which is out with the target range of 52 to 56 points. 14 in the Water Quality sub-portfolio have been reforecast.

Reasons for reforecasting:

  • 2 projects have been impacted due to additional scope required to complete: WTW000712 - HOWDEN WTW NT456275, Whitehillocks WTW - Quality and CM
  • 11 projects have been impacted due to construction risks realised:

IR18 Allowance - Ardrishaig WTW,

Dhu Loch_Argyll and Bute_THM Research and Investigation,

SR15 ES - Newmore WTW - WQ and Essential Related CM Upgrade,

Galashiels Manse Street WTW,

WTW000627 - ROSEBERY WTW 1940 NT305570,

Craighead WTW - CM, Invercannie WTW Pre-Treatment CWT and CM,

Afton WTW_Ayrshire_THM Research and Investigation,

WTW000626 - PATESHILL WTW NS983595,

WTW000640 - MARCHBANK WTW NT165645,

Auchneel WTW - Lime to Caustic

  • 1 project has been impacted due to third party issues: Burncrooks WTW Quality THM Compliance
Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Project Acceptance milestone against target range for Water Quality Projects in Water Portfolio
Project ID Description Reason For Reforecast Baseline Quarter Forecast Quarter
503162 Auchneel WTW - Lime to Caustic Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q4
501379 WTW000640 - MARCHBANK WTW NT165645 Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q4
501232 Whitehillocks WTW - Quality and CM Additional scope required to complete 2021/22 Q4 2024/25 Q1
501388 WTW000626 - PATESHILL WTW NS983595 Construction risks realised 2021/22 Q4 2023/24 Q3
502651 Afton WTW_Ayrshire_THM Research and Investigation Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q4
501243 Invercannie WTW Pre-Treatment CWT and CM Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q3
500896 Craighead WTW - CM Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q3 2023/24 Q3
502132 Burncrooks WTW Quality THM Compliance Third party issues 2022/23 Q4 2024/25 Q1
501390 WTW000627 - ROSEBERY WTW 1940 NT305570 Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q3 2024/25 Q1
500245 Galashiels Manse Street WTW Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2024/25 Q2
501393 WTW000712 - HOWDEN WTW NT456275 Additional scope required to complete 2022/23 Q1 2023/24 Q4
403991 SR15 ES - Newmore WTW - WQ and Essential Related CM Upgrade Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q3
502649 Dhu Loch_Argyll and Bute_THM Research and Investigation Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q4
502648 IR18 Allowance - Ardrishaig WTW Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q1 2023/24 Q4
Total 14 projects behind

Financial Approval

4 projects (Repair at Glenhove Distribution Service Reservoir (DSR) 2, E-W-NI-140520-Craighead WTW - Upgrade manganese removal - Covid 19 - 66, Oykel Bridge - Radon, SR21 Black Esk WTW - Manganese Monitors) achieved financial completion during Q2, taking the total achieved to 40 which is out with the target range of 42 to 57 points.

Reasons for reforecasting:

  • 2 projects have been impacted due to additional scope required to complete: WTW000712 - HOWDEN WTW NT456275, Whitehillocks WTW - Quality and CM
  • 12 projects have been impacted due to construction risks realised:

Wishaw TM Water Quality,

SR15 ES - Loch Ness Regional WTW Scheme,

IR18 Allowance - Ardrishaig WTW,

Galashiels Manse Street WTW,

WTW000627 - ROSEBERY WTW 1940 NT305570,

Craighead WTW - CM, Kirkmichael WTW - CM,

Afton WTW_Ayrshire_THM Research and Investigation,

Glenlatterach WTW Manganese Removal,

WTW000626 - PATESHILL WTW NS983595,

WTW000640 - MARCHBANK WTW NT165645,

Auchneel WTW - Lime to Caustic

  • 1 project has been impacted due to third party issues: IR18 Allowance - Tarbert WTW
Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Financial Completion milestone against target range for Water Quality Projects in Water Portfolio
Project ID Description Reason For Reforecast Baseline Quarter Forecast Quarter
503162 Auchneel WTW - Lime to Caustic Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 Q2
501379 WTW000640 - MARCHBANK WTW NT165645 Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 Q1
501232 Whitehillocks WTW - Quality and CM Additional scope required to complete 2022/23 Q3 2024/25 Q3
501388 WTW000626 - PATESHILL WTW NS983595 Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q3 2023/24 Q4
502650 IR18 Allowance - Tarbert WTW Third party issues 2023/24 Q2 2023/24 Q3
501217 Glenlatterach WTW Manganese Removal Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q1 2023/24 Q3
502651 Afton WTW_Ayrshire_THM Research and Investigation Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 Q1
501070 Kirkmichael WTW - CM Construction risks realised 2022/23 Q2 2023/24 Q3
500896 Craighead WTW - CM Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q2 2023/24 Q4
501390 WTW000627 - ROSEBERY WTW 1940 NT305570 Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q2 2024/25 Q2
500245 Galashiels Manse Street WTW Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 Q4
501393 WTW000712 - HOWDEN WTW NT456275 Additional scope required to complete 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q4
502648 IR18 Allowance - Ardrishaig WTW Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q2 2024/25 Q2
403127 SR15 ES - Loch Ness Regional WTW Scheme Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2023/24 Q4
503050 Wishaw TM Water Quality Construction risks realised 2023/24 Q1 2023/24 Q4
Total 15 projects behind

Water Supply

The overall IPOD points for the Water Supply sub-portfolio is ahead of the target range at 178 points against a range of 132 to 170 points for Q2 2023/24.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for all milestones against target range for Water Supply Projects in Water Portfolio

Start on Site

11 projects started on site during Q2 bringing the total number of projects achieving the Start On Site milestone to 72 with performance being in the top half of the range of 58 to 73 points.

Projects starting on site: Linshader subsea main replacement, Cults Pitfodels TWP - Replace MCC, DAER WOA - Stablewood Pipe Bridge - H&S upgrade, Kettleton Impounding Reservoir, RCI Sanquhar Burgh DMA - New, RCI The Knowe Moffat DMA, RCI Newfield PS to Broadmuir TM DMA Peterhead Newfield 12 TM, RCI Athelstaneford DMA East Garleton Farm, Turriff WTW - Lime to Caustic, RCI North Barr DMA Burnhaven, Coulter WOA -Water Crossing and Bank Protection.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Start on Site milestone against target range for Water Supply Projects in Water Portfolio


8 projects achieved acceptance during Q2, bringing the total number of completed projects delivering benefit to customers to 56 which is in the top half of the range of 41 to 57 points.

Projects achieving acceptance: Infrastructure Charge Fund (ICF) - Forres Strategic Water upgrade, RCI Catterthun DMA Craigton of Monikie, RCI SR21 ES< Mains of Moyness - Non DMA Phase 2, Craigmaddie and Milngavie VT Works, RCI Clachan DMA Longrigg, RCI Comrie and Bogside DMA Righead Farm, RCI Bixter Tresta and Sandsound DMA Effirth, RCI Colmonell DMA.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Project Acceptance milestone against target range for Water Supply Projects in Water Portfolio

Financial Approval

8 projects achieved financial completion during Q2, taking the total achieved to 50 which is above the target range of 33 to 40 points.

Projects achieving financial completion: Repeat Customer Interruptions (RCI) High Dykes DMA Auchincarroch Rd, RCI West Ballochy DMA Hillside, NRSWA C3 Service Relocate Edinburgh Tram Lines Mains Diversion, SR15 ES - Carron Valley WTW Scada Replacement, RCI Bowmore DMA (Torra Mains), RCI Rossie DMA Ethie PMA, ICF - NIA0157 Glencorse WOA - Danderhall and Gilmerton DMAs - Solution 01, Dores DMA - Mains Rehab.

Chart showing IPOD points achieved or forecast for Financial Completion milestone against target range for Water Supply Projects in Water Portfolio



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