
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).

Chair’s foreword

It is with great pleasure that I am writing this foreword to the first annual report of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) and have this opportunity to express how delighted, grateful and privileged I feel to serve as the first PNBS Independent Chair.

PNBS became a Scottish Public Body on 17 August 2023, after operating for many years as part of the UK-wide Police Negotiating Board (PNB). In recent years, Scotland was the sole member, as the other nations moved to review bodies.

Ian McKay served as the PNB Independent Chair from 2015 to the time the Board transitioned to PNBS and there is acknowledgment and deep gratitude for all his hard work over these years. I would also like to personally express my appreciation to Ian who has generously supported me, sharing his wisdom, knowledge and answering numerous questions as I took on the role.

As our reporting cycle is based on the calendar year, we are covering just over four months in this year’s report. However, in this short time, we have been busy. Members and stakeholders have kindly taken the time to meet with, and welcome me, sharing their perspectives and hopes. Scott McNeil, PNBS Secretariat, has been amazing in his support and organisation during this induction period and I am very grateful.

The 2023 pay claim was successfully settled just before I joined, thanks to considerable effort by both sides as Ian noted in the last PNB report. With this complete, the focus of the first meeting of the PNBS, held in October, covered actions for some of the details of the agreed claim.

We also took the opportunity to discuss how we operate. We agreed, as a newly formed body with many new representatives, that it was a good time to review, reflect and if required, redesign how we work together and to co-create the PNBS Guide, within the new PNBS constitution and legislative requirements.

We began this process in November with all members having an opportunity to provide their perspectives. We formed a review group and began working together in December with a view to complete the work in March 2024. Working together has been a very positive, collaborative and productive experience – I am really grateful for all the effort and such a great start.

All members of the PNBS share the same desired outcome – to ensure the pay, terms and conditions for the officers of Police Scotland reflect their role in society, dedication and unique workforce status, as they fulfil their purpose of improving the safety and wellbeing of people, places and communities in Scotland. With this as our focus, the PNBS will work together as financial and other challenges continue to cloud the horizon.

Lisa Blackett, Independent Chair
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland
January 2024



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